
  1. B

    dont you hate it when you tell a joke and then you forget the punchline?

    ...and then everyone laughs hysterically anyway, but not because of the joke. grrrr...
  2. L

    is john cena stupid or does he really forget to sell his moves?

    cena gets beat down, then all of a sudden he comes back like nothing happened, with all giggles and smiles
  3. T

    Forget Whistling -- This Professor Walks While Working

    Eight hours hunkered over her work in Justin Hall. Two hours commuting from her home outside Council Grove, Kan. Deb Sellers had become a master at sitting, and she did not like it one bit. Sellers is an assistant professor of family studies and human services and extension specialist in adult...
  4. A

    can an employer go on vacation and "forget" to pay you? And pay you when...

    ...getting back from vacation? There was not just one time several times my employer took off on vacation, not releasing my paycheck, on payday. This happened to me personally more than once, and recently they did it to all the employee's. Friday was payday, bills were due, couldn't pay them...
  5. B

    What do I do if I forget the SIM password for my Samsung Tocco?

    I entered in my PIN and it told me it was correct, however it then asked me for a SIM password, can anyone tell me what I enter in here? I tried my PUK, but it didn't work
  6. G

    In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

    ...responsible for the extensions? and just blame Obama?
  7. A

    do christians forget to help and love ,because they are to busy judging and

    preaching hate? jackal i dont hate christians i hate hypocrites of any faith ,or non faith kat lime ,,they did when the romans bashed his limbs to a cross tarebear,em other christians, muslims when was the last time you heard of an atheist killing anyone because they hate the religion the...
  8. A

    do christians forget to help and love ,because they are to busy judging and

    preaching hate? jackal i dont hate christians i hate hypocrites of any faith ,or non faith kat lime ,,they did when the romans bashed his limbs to a cross tarebear,em other christians, muslims when was the last time you heard of an atheist killing anyone because they hate the religion the...
  9. V

    What leads to this moral in Dracula? "As technology progresses, many forget...

    ...old knowledge and superstition. "? I must know!!! It's so confusing!!! I have to know by the end of the day!!!
  10. C

    if i owe my gym alot of money, can i just cancel my membership and forget...

    ...about it? its LA fitness? its bull they say im 4 months behind when i signed up 4 months ago and ive paid every time apparently i owe 100 bucks have no clue why and now i gotta pay 30 dollars because my balance is due today so i owe 130 bucks and i have to come up with 300 by friday for my...
  11. G

    Forget Tsunamis: Asteroids Will Really Kill Us With UV Rays [Spf100000]

    If a medium-sized asteroid lands in the ocean, tsunamis won't be the only worry. Water vapor and sea salt thrown up by the impact could damage the ozone layer, leading to record levels of ultraviolet radiation that could threaten humanity. More »
  12. R

    How could i get the password of microSD card for sony ericsson if i forget it?

    pleaes help !
  13. A

    Is there a way when I forget my mobile at home to notify me about my calls, to my...

    ...laptop? I would like to see in my laptop who called and when, when i have my mobile at home
  14. R

    How could i get the password of microSD card for sony ericsson if i forget it?

    any suggestion?
  15. S

    Do Republicans forget about Bush creating DHS and medicaid part D, when they...

    ...complain about spending & big gov? Not to mention doubling the size of the Department of Education with no child left behind.......
  16. G

    Please don't forget

    Lamar Alexander (R-TN) John Barrasso (R-WY) Kit Bond (R-MO) Sam Brownback (R-KS) Jim Bunning (R-KY) Richard Burr (R-NC) Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) Tom Coburn (R-OK) Thad Cochran (R-MS) John Cornyn (R-TX) Bob Corker (R-TN) Mike Crapo (R-ID) Jim DeMint (R-SC) John Ensign (R-NV) Mike Enzi (R-WY)...
  17. F

    Did someone forget that much of the nutrition in veggies and fruits is in the pulp?

    Did someone forget that much of the nutrition in veggies and fruits is in the pulp? There are other juicers coming on the market now that are turning the entire veggie or fruit into juice, and this is making much more sense to me, not only in nutrition, but in the COST of producing juice with...
  18. B

    How to put more songs on my ipod ? i forget. lol.?

    i already have songs on my ipod, but i want to put more on, but i forgot how. i already the songs i want on my itunes, but i cant remember how to put them on my ipod?
  19. C

    Is he really interested, or should I forget about him?!?

    So this guy I thought was interested in me canceled on me twice in the past 2 weeks... He teaches me how to play piano, and in return, I teach him some French. When he's teaching me, he seems sweet and he tells me to put my hand on top of his so I can feel the way I am supposed to hit the...
  20. S

    How do i turn off the don't forget key reminder on my 2006 mercedes benz cls55?

    When i turn off the car and pull out the key and open the door, this alarm beeps and the display says to don't forget the key. I have the key in my hand. How can I stop this?