do christians forget to help and love ,because they are to busy judging and


New member
Sep 3, 2010
preaching hate?
jackal i dont hate christians
i hate hypocrites
of any faith ,or non faith
kat lime ,,they did when the romans bashed his limbs to a cross
tarebear,em other christians, muslims
when was the last time you heard of an atheist killing anyone because they hate the religion the other practiced

last week in iraq lots of christians died
every day in africa christians burn people for being witches

thats real hate
not just i dont believe you about your god
Christians in general do not have a clue what they are doing. The whole basis of that cult is convenience and delusion. Denying facts in preference to faith. So in short most christians in my experience arent bad people. Just brainwashed into not being able to tell reality from fantasy in most regards.

In my view christianity has lost much of it's influence. The church cant make you believe at gun point anymore. So now they have to rely on scamming people into buying in ... and on believers brainwashing any offspring they create. To keep up the "flock" ... They've even started christian breeding programs. Equally yoked .... ( < again, an obvious reference to considering christians livestock ) and other christian dating efforts. To try to maintain the "flock".

But due to science, increase in access to knowledge in the developed countries and loss of outright power ( the church "leaders" and "shepherds". Cant burn you at the stake anymore for disagreeing with their idiotic belief system.) Think a good percentage of the christian oriented theological systems. ( aka: cult/sects ) Are just struggling to survive the onslaught of facts, questions and understanding that's emerging to kick the crap out of them.

The new christian motto I keep hearing. Isn't go tell it from the mountain anymore. It's please leave us alone. We dont want to hear anymore facts ... or scientific findings. Just leave us alone to believe whatever we want. We can believe a mystical father figure boogeyman in the sky luvs us soooo much if we want to !!! GO AWAY SCIENCE ... GO AWAY ATHEISTS ... LEAVE US ALONE !!! Oh and btw. YOU'RE ALL GOING TO HELL !!! :D
That is a truly unfair statement. Sincere and honest Christians do "help and love" others; all others, no matter what race, religion, creed, gender, etc.
Bad apples got to you?
I apologize on behalf of those who do not know that IF they should be honored to call themselves Christian....then it follows that they ought to know, this ultimately means "to be like Christ". To follow the example He set. My apologies.
I haven't forgotten and I try very hard not to judge and I don't preach hate.
You should have more faith in us, we aren't perfect but most try harder to do the right things in life.
because they are too busy living to their material world. too busy to work, anxious for food to eat, too busy buying their luxuries and material things. too busy buying clothes, blling, and the likes. but Christians forget what is the real meaning of being a Christian. and that is, live your life simple, love one another and help them.
Unfortunately so. From what I've read about Jesus, he seemed an intelligent and loving person, it's a shame I can't say the same about most of his followers.
judging and preaching hate?

Really...who judges and hates christians more than atheists? I have never in real life felt hatred like I experience here.