
  1. U

    How do i get rid of the fleas from an outdoors cat!?

    She is a street cat that i found, have been feeding and taking care of her for the past 2 months, i wish i could bring her indoors unfortunately a family member is deathly terrified of all animals loool , i just noticed that she has these black jumping bugs on her fur :( !! i never had a cat so...
  2. K

    Can there be fleas on my dog who passed away even though he had no fleas?

    This kinda has to do with one of my previous questions. My dog passed away 2 years ago and I kinda saved his bed under my Bedford safe keeping. He loved his bed and it made me feel better having something of his close to me. Anyway, I recently got a puppy and just found out she has tapeworms...
  3. D

    Cat keeps getting fleas - 'pets at home' are uneducated?

    My neighbours got a new sofa and their old is outside and now a haven for cats and their fleas for the past 3 weeks. I treat my cat every 4 weeks with frontline but these ones seem to be immune or something. So I google, (as you do) and found 'Advantage and stronghold' where recommended. I...
  4. D

    Cat keeps getting fleas - 'pets at home' are uneducated?

    My neighbours got a new sofa and their old is outside and now a haven for cats and their fleas for the past 3 weeks. I treat my cat every 4 weeks with frontline but these ones seem to be immune or something. So I google, (as you do) and found 'Advantage and stronghold' where recommended. I...
  5. A

    Fleas On 1 week old kitten?

    How can i get rid of the fleas on the kitten, without taking it to the vet?
  6. S

    Could this be Fleas!?

    OK, after I spayed this flea/tick/mite stuff on my mattress ( it was really supposed to be sprayed on the animal which irs my cat but I knew she wouldn't stand for that) I noticed these black smudges on my sheets, none on my mattress, and some smudges were even on some shirts that I had left on...
  7. L

    Guinea pig help i think they have fleas?

    Hey im lillee, i have 2 guinea pigs and was wondering if anyone had pictures off what fleas look like and i have heaps of reddish dots on my hands and arms i think they mite be flea bites and if you have pictures off that as well or can u describe the fleas or the bites for me.... (: Thankyouu
  8. B

    what do fleas look like?

    my ginger cat has lots of little black things in his hair, and some people have said theyre fleas. but im not sure and i need another opinion.
  9. J

    What are the differences between ticks and fleas?

    Firstly, what are the differences, and also, what happens if both are on an animal at the same time? Do they live harmoniously, or fight?
  10. B

    How can I get rid of the fleas?

    I have two puppies, about 14 weeks old and they both are crawling with fleas. They've had two sets of shots and each time they were de-wormed but they still have the fleas. I know that the fleas cause worms (am I correct?) but I can't afford to bring them in AGAIN and AGAIN into the vets...
  11. G

    can cold weather indoors kill fleas?

    I have been dealing with bad flea attacks spaced 3months apart. Ive curbed them by ripping up the carpet bombing like crazy and vacuuming like crazy. [it was originally horrible my landlord locked 8 cats in a room near mine...they got fleas I'm talking it used to be u walked through the room and...
  12. E

    Do guinea pigs that're kept outdoors get fleas and/or ticks?

    Is there anything you can give/spray/bathe them with to keep mites, fleas, and ticks off of them?
  13. M

    Dish of soapy water and a Lamp to kill Fleas?

    I tried this technique last night and woke up to 1 Flea. How accurate is this and how long should I continue to do it for? My dogs are all on Frontline and are not able to come in the house till I have taken care of the Flea problem, as far as the yard goes we have 6inches of snow so as of now...
  14. J

    Does anyone know of a good dog shampoo to help with itching? There no fleas present?

    My dog is itching I've used a flea comb and there are not any fleas. His skin appears to be dry. Anyone know of a good moisturizing dog shampoo or one that helps with itching? Thanks Jennifer
  15. D

    Why won't Dawn dish soap work for fleas on my kittens!?!?

    I have tried this supposed miracle 3 times & it doesn't work. My fiance & I have bathed the kittens in a sink filled with water & lots of the original Dawn dish soap for 5 minutes 3 times. We use a flea comb to get all the dead fleas off them to find that they are NOT dead. We are lucky to...
  16. L

    Apple Cider Vinegar on Cats (Fleas)?

    I've red a little bit on Organic Apple Cider Vinegar's uses and I was wondering the uses for cats. Can I wash/rinse my cat with Organic ACV to kill/get rid of fleas. Put ACV in my cats food or water to help overall health and get rid of fleas as well? And is rinsing my cat's ears with ACV to...
  17. J

    if my dog has fleas how do i get rid of them?

    are they in my hose too
  18. T

    Does my dog have fleas? ticks? wtf?

    i have a pom, just recently ive seen her scratching too much, (especially in the neck area) she doesnt sleep outside and i bathe her regularly, but my sister's friend's dog is a pom too and that dog had fleas and shit...we didnt know at first and my dog and that dog werent close and only saw...
  19. K

    I have fleas in the carpet and a 3 year old I need a cheep and nontoxic way to

    get rid of them? I have fleas in my carpet and would like to know a cheep and safe way of getting rid of them that won't be harmful to my 3 year old son. we had a kitten who had them but she recently passed away. and now there are fleas in the rug and they are biteing on me and my son and I...
  20. L

    Has anyone ever used Tempo Ultra for fleas outdoors?

    I had an exterminator come out last week to fix my flea problem and he used granules inside the kennel and in my front and back yard. The first treatment he did, didn't work so he came back out today and used a spray called Tempo Ultra. I have searched the web and couldn't find any reviews on...