
  1. D

    How old does a call duck have to be to lay eggs?

    from baby chicks how long does it take
  2. D

    How old does a call duck have to be to lay eggs?

    from baby chicks how long does it take
  3. D

    How old does a call duck have to be to lay eggs?

    from baby chicks how long does it take
  4. J

    Will flies lay eggs and therefore maggots om COOKED Meat?

    like in raw meat. Like, say discarded fried chicken.
  5. K

    How do you like to cook your eggs?

    I like to cook them on both sides, until they have light brown/crisp spots, and then I put a slice of cheese on top to melt, then get two slices of bread to make it into a sandwich.
  6. S

    Recipe using Chocolate chips with NO eggs & NO milk, with limited flour?

    I haven't Vanilla extract either, but I am in need of a recipe using chocolate chips, limited flour, sugar, brown sugar, oil, salt, baking powder, & such. it doesn't have to have all of those, but that is what I have. Sorry it's so.. precise.
  7. S

    Recipe using Chocolate chips with NO eggs & NO milk, with limited flour?

    I haven't Vanilla extract either, but I am in need of a recipe using chocolate chips, limited flour, sugar, brown sugar, oil, salt, baking powder, & such. it doesn't have to have all of those, but that is what I have. Sorry it's so.. precise.
  8. N

    /////When I cook poached eggs in the microwave, how can I PREVENT the yolk...

    ...from getting hard-boiled as opposed? it being runny like a real poached egg?
  9. H

    /////When I cook poached eggs in the microwave, how can I PREVENT the yolk...

    Just do a Real paoched egg. It takes about the same amount of time and will taste Oh so much better.
  10. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  11. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  12. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  13. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  14. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  15. Z

    does judaism recquire jews to lay eggs on hannaukkah?

    Like the top contributer Avraham on here? With his dog kittens w?guns? Does dart get envolved to and rico jpa
  16. F

    What is the best way to cook eggs? list your favorite recipes :)?

    So far i only know how to cook omlette,Scrambled eggs,ShakShouka and wrapped Omlette, does anyone know more good recipes? share them
  17. G

    Should I be misting my Bearded Dragon eggs?

    I have my 25 eggs in a Reptivator with the humidity at 75% and the temp set at 85 degrees. The eggs are inside a plastic container with a see through lid which has lots of little holes for the air to get in and out. I have been misting the inside of the Reptivator to keep the humidity up. Should...
  18. J

    When a male undergoes a sex change operation, do they begin to produce eggs?

    I know that males undergoing sex change operations take female hormones and eventually grow breasts while on the hormones (and/or get implants if they want them larger) so I was wondering if they also begin to produce eggs as a female would? If not, are scientist close to finding a way to...
  19. F

    how can scrambled eggs be made recipe?

    well friends since im living alone i have decided to cook for me self i have learned alot in that aspect but i still need the recipe for this meal of scrambled eggs
  20. A

    How do I get the Hearty Eggs (Limited Time) recipe in Tiny Chef?

    I've cooked it a lot and I've gotten two stars, I'm working towards the third, but when you get the third do you keep it?