
  1. M

    What is the best thing to do about these duck eggs in my garden?

    This morning when I went outside I found 4 duck eggs in my garden as there is a duck pond near to where I live. The mother duck made me jump when it flew out of the nest which is on the ground. The mother duck has never returned to the nest since this morning. I went out for a bit and came...
  2. G

    A Brief History Of Easter Eggs In Tech [Easter Eggs]

    The Easter egg—as in a hidden surprise or in-joke, not the chocolate treat—can be dated back to the last Russian imperial family who gifted people with jewel-encrusted Fabergé eggs containing additional surprises tucked away inside. More »
  3. B

    Where are some good places to hide easter eggs for kids ages 4-9 outdoors?

    Please reply quick!
  4. D

    hatching duck eggs??????????????????

    i kind of helped a duckling come out of its shell after i read its bad to help it. its not gonna die is it? im keeping them under a light to keep warm
  5. T

    How to cook eggs..................?

    ai am new to the cooking world and want to make Easter eggs tomorrow with my son. Not sure how long to boil on what temp and everything. I have tried but never comes out right. Please help
  6. R

    Poll- Do you buy caged eggs?
  7. L

    Onion ring recipe that you dip the onions in eggs, milk, batter a few times to?

    make softer thinnered coated onion rings? Any recipies? Thank you.
  8. F

    Is it okay to blend cooked eggs?

    In the morning, I don't have time to sit down and eat my eggs, so I thought that it was possible to throw it in the blender after I cooked it. Would there be any problems with that? Thanks!
  9. A

    Turtle Eggs Level 26 for Blackberry Solved!!!!?

    This is not a question- this is the absolute answer. It took me forever, but I thought I'd post this because I didn't find anyone else with the answer. L is left, R is right, U is up, and D is down. I put it in listed form so you don't lose your place! 1.L3x, D2x, L2x, U2x, 2.D2x, R2x, U2x...
  10. H

    My cockateil is laying eggs?

    She is a twelve year old female cockateil. There are no other birds in the house and never have been as long as I have had her. I got her from a bird rescue two years ago. She has laid three eggs so far over a week period and sits on them all day long getting very protective when anyone goes...
  11. R

    Where can i sell eggs?

    I heard that in America you can get up to $8000 to give eggs. Now after i have decided i no longer will be having children and am financially stuck this could be an option. Does anyone know if this is available in Australia and where?
  12. S

    What temp should i put on the hatching eggs?

    I don't have a incubator so i was going to use a 120 watt light bulb for the eggs to hatch. But i do not know the temp it has to be on. Can someone tell me? I really don't want to keep the eggs under the hen since shes kinda small still.
  13. Y

    Zebra finches eggs????????

    If one egg is laid and it isn't fertilized do they still lay more than one egg and if so can the other eggs be fertial
  14. J

    Poll:Scrambled eggs or Poached eggs?

    On a bed of fresh sliced strawberries ,topped with crumbled rice krispie squares,slivers of roasted garlic ,onion rings in batter and a delicious Belgian chocolate sauce drizzled all over the top ......mmmmmmmmmm scrantastical Sunday treat!!
  15. J

    Should I cook expired eggs?

    I have two cartons of eggs sitting there on my fridge. Will I get sick or get diseases if I cook them? I like scrambled eggs. It was expired on Oct. 5.
  16. T

    Selecting The Best Human Eggs For IVF By 'Genetic Biopsy'

    Researchers at Brown University and Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island have developed a way to extract information about gene expression from fertile human egg cells without hurting them. Expendable 'polar bodies' in the cells reflect much the same information as the eggs themselves...
  17. H

    What kind of bird lays light blue eggs?

    The eggs are about 1inch wide and are light blue with a couple of brown specks, i live in australia and found them in my backyard just lying there, is there anything i can do to help them, and what sortof bird are they?
  18. P

    How long should I leave my male Betta/ Siamese Fighting Fish in with the eggs?

    I am currently trying to breed Betta/ Siamese Fighting Fish for the first time and I am wondering how long (after the male and female finish mating and the eggs are in the bubblenest) I should leave the male in with the eggs. If you think I should know any additional details about Betta Fish...
  19. T

    No Nutritional Difference Found Between Free-Range And Cage-Produced Eggs: Cholestero

    Eggs produced by free-range hens are often perceived by the public to be nutritionally superior to eggs obtained from layers kept in traditional battery cages. However, a recent scientific study has called this popular perception into question by finding essentially no differences in the...
  20. A


    Dear Guys, We all know that eggs are the best source of protein and Is also important from health point of view . I am doing body building in these days and i like to eat raw eggs which provide you protein which is not possible after boiling or making amlete of it .