
  1. I

    In the ending of i my me strawberry eggs, does fukae ask fijime to get on the bike?

    or is he walking away? does fukae still like fuko in the end? or does he start like the girl with the ponytails, fijime? i mean fujio...
  2. D

    are these goldfish eggs?

    ive just changed the water in my tank and i found some white eggs floating...i dont know if their real or not....i found a few,5 or 6...plzzz tell me ,if their real,how to keep the(what temperature.....)
  3. A

    is eatting boiled eggs bad?

    my mom always freaking tells me not to eat it. but i love it. i can eat up to like 9 million a day and still not get tired. cause its good. is it bad for your health to eat too much? is there a limit on how much a week?
  4. T

    Convict Cichlids & Eggs?

    Hi, my Convict had eggs yesterday and im wondering what I should do to keep the eggs alive & healthy? This is the female's second batch of eggs. Her first batch turned white & she ate them. But this time, i purchased a flower pot & she laid the eggs inside of it. Everything looks good now. Shes...
  5. K

    will our battery hens ever lay eggs?

    my mom bought some chickens from a pet shop we brang them home only to discover that 2 of the 4 chickens had half of their beaks cut off thats when my dad told mom that she had accidently bought old chickens and they will never lay eggs ws\ feel a bit wronged that the pet shop man told us that...
  6. C

    Dudez okay why do I keep findin' these EASTER EGGS! Well here it is for GTA San...

    ...Andreas for my PS2.? I have hatched another easter egg in gta san andreas. Probably my 25th or 26th. Anyway, I go to the footprints of Sasquatch to find sasquatch *the rare thing is I found 25 or 26 Easter Eggs and I don't know where he is, anyone tell me how to find him, you get 10 points*...
  7. S

    a neighbor hides raw eggs around my property for my dogs , the police wont do...

    ...anything what can I do? I live in CA. and I have a neighbor who has a dislike for me so she been hiding raw eggs around my property for my dogs to find and eat. The eggs poisonous and can cause salmonella and even death to my dogs. The police wont do anything there anything that...
  8. Z

    What is a Good Protein Pancake recipe I can make without eggs.?

    I don't like eggs that's why and when I looked online that's all they had in them was eggs. So if anyone knows a good recipe let me know thanks.
  9. J

    Healthy vegetarian dinners (I will eat eggs and dairy. Just no meat/fish)?

    This is my eating plan: Breakfast: fruit salad/fruit smoothie/yogurt and a piece of wheat toast with peanut butter Lunch: a wheat bagel with cream cheese and an apple Snack: a handful of unsalted almonds Dinner: ??!! I don't know. I'm stuck here... I need lots of recipes. Nothing unhealthy...
  10. J

    Is eating lots of scrambled eggs healthy?

    Im 15 and in the mornings before school I just started eating about 2-3 scrambled eggs in the morning. Is this good protein for me? Is this too much cholesterol? How can this have positive or negative effects on me.
  11. S

    When will my jaguar cichlid lay her eggs?

    okay i have had my male and female jagure for several yrs and they had babies about 3 times and now the male died while the female was pregnant. will the female still lay her eggs or will she still need the male to ferdleize them MORE???????????? If she lays them, should i do anything to keep...
  12. S

    when will my jaguar cichlid lay her eggs?

    okay i have had my male and female jagure for several yrs and they had babies about 3 times and now the male died while the female was pregnant. will the female still lay her eggs or will she still need the male to ferdleize them MORE???????????? If she lays them, should i do anything to keep...
  13. R

    Is eating raw eggs un healthy for you?

    I have 1 egg in the morning with some egg white. How could they harm my body? Thanks.
  14. L

    What is the healthiest way to eat eggs? ?

    i.e: hard boiled, scrambled, poached...etc. I like to eat them for breakfast but I'm trying to watch what I eat and make better choices in foods
  15. C

    Can you eat eggs on a low carb diet?

    what are some other snacks you can eat also?
  16. M

    my snail in the fish tank has layed eggs. how do i know if these are any good?

    the snail layed these little eggs on side of tank and they kind of look like a cocoon. they were white but have now gone a pinky colour. i don't know what kind of snail it is. also if they are ok how long until they hatch? hope someone can help
  17. S

    What auto clicker program is best for picking up eggs on rescreatu?

    I am an avid fan of res but spend too much time searching for eggs. I thought a big time saver would be a auto refresher (have for my firefox browser as an add on) and an "auto-Clicker" that would click the [Take Egg] link whenever it showed up.. i was searching online if there was such a thing...