
  1. M

    Why do casual boxing fans compare Roger to Floyd?

    Don't forget that Floyd's win over Oscar was a split decision. It is quite possible to give Oscar the win in that fight. But yeah, Floyd is a million times better than Roger.
  2. F

    is it being EASY or INDEPENDENT, in terms of casual FWB sex?

    If a girl is in tune with her sexual needs and therefore dates casual and has friends with benefits would you call her easy or a strong independent woman who knows what she wants? independent in terms of getting on with her life, in control, working, busy and seeing someone maybe on the side
  3. M

    do hot women have casual sex too?

    seem like I always get casual sex with girls below my league. Not trying to bre conceited but i"m like an 9 or 10 in looks. I always pull 7 or 8s. Now I think whenI see a 9 or 10 I"m like I want to marry you inside haha. Is it just me scarring them or do they have less casual sex? By casual...
  4. L

    What's the difference between cooking at a fast food restaurant and a casual

    dining restaurant? As a fast food cook, I make minimum wage. However, cooks at casual dining restaurants make $9 per hour to start. How much harder is it?
  5. G

    Will the book 'Casual Vacancy' be turned into a film?

    will the soon to be released book by J.K ROWLING 'THE CASUAL VACANCY' be turned into a film in the future?
  6. S

    Would you recommend a PS3 or XBOX360 for a more casual girl gamer?

    I do like hardcore titles, but I'm more of a casual gamer and already have a wii so...which console? I'm a fan of Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, etc if that helps at all.. Thanks! Through this business transaction, I get my choice of a free xbox or ps3, I would just...
  7. E

    Best shoes to wear for casual biking?

    I have a commuter bike that I recently bought to run errands and travel short distances (two miles max, but perhaps more in the future) and I'm in the market for an appropriate pair of shoes to ride with it (current ones are falling apart). Would it be worth it for a guy like me to purchase...
  8. A

    Play as Elvis in New Casual Game Retro World?

    Zynga dominates the casual online games space, but Electronic Arts recently proved with The Sims Social that there's room for big brands. Rovio is currently developing an online world for Angry Birds. But when it comes to brands, there's perhaps wow gold none bigger than...
  9. I

    I have a meeting tomorrow and the dress code is smart/ casual, can I turn up in...

    ...jeans and flip-flops and? and a Banksy t-shirt? ... Lol @ Paul. ...
  10. L

    How do guys view casual sex?

    I've recently started hanging out with this guy and we've found a lot of common interests. We have no problem conversing and there is an obvious attraction there because we've hooked up a few times. While we were hooking up, I accidentally blurted out 'do you have a condom'. It was a total...
  11. K

    Does it make men angry that most women don't enjoy casual sex?

    Or do they think that women should still do it even if we don't enjoy it?
  12. S

    Casual fashion.. help please^^?

    So, I'm gonna live in a coutryside for a week with my classmates.. I wanna be fashionable during that program, but i have no idea how I should dress.. Like what kind of outfits I should wear during day and night? fyi, the weather is warm during day and cold during night.. and I'm kinda skinny...
  13. L

    What kind of PDA is appropriate in a casual family home setting?

    I'm in high school. I mean obviously keep hands above the belt and away from boobs, and keep your tongue to yourself but what about sitting on laps (even if there's room not to) or a quick kiss or something?
  14. P

    do women who are having casual sex relationships, have the moral grounds... disapprove of men paying for sex? given that women can have casual sex relationships, FWB's very easily and they usually reserve HOT/GORGEOUS men for this purpose (they can be REGULAR LOOKING themselves) and the AVERAGE-REASONABLE-DECENT looking young men have it very difficult
  15. J

    After you made out how do you greet each other? Do you kiss or do you just be casual?

    After our classes most of my college friends and I sit and study for a while. This time a guy that has been flirting with me a lot, and I, were the last one. We didn't do much studying and we were flirting and teasing as usual. After a while we started to make out in the study room. After that...
  16. H

    Can someone please recommend some ps3 games for a casual gamer?

    Right now I have all Assassins Creeds, GTAIV, LittleBigPlanet, Unchartered 2, & Batman Arkham Asylum. Thanks!
  17. S

    Top ten PS3 casual games.?

    i am a casual gamer and i want to know you top ten PS3 casual games. i doesn't have to be ten games. thank you!
  18. E

    So, just a casual poll of R&S...when a certain someone discusses this

    "Star-spangled nation,"? do you get a mental picture of an entire country decked out like Liberace?
  19. B

    A Casual Text Joke Suggesting I'm think about the person?

    I need to text someone I like, and I don't want to seem like I'm using them to get information. So I wanna say something like "Hi hun, I was thinking about you and thought....what time did Dave say to be in tomorrow :P" Something on them lines, but funnier and sweeter
  20. B

    A Casual Text Joke Suggesting I'm thinking about the person?

    I need to text someone I like, and I don't want to seem like I'm using them to get information. So I wanna say something like "Hi hun, I was thinking about you and thought....what time did Dave say to be in tomorrow :P" Something on them lines, but funnier and sweeter