
  1. U

    What is a good subsitute for flour in a bread recipe?

    I am on a low Carb diet, and am looking for a bread that doesn't need the all purpose flour or self-raising flour. I have soy flour, almond flour, coconut flour and flax seed meal. Is their a recipe out there that i can subsitute flour with one of these alternatives or another low carb ingredient?
  2. D

    Does anyone remember a book called Bread? Posthuman/sheep story?

    It was a story that took place after humans had disappeared, and a flock of sheep found what was left of our civilization and began to live as humans themselves. There came about this great product called bread, and every sheep simply HAD to have it, and in the end you found out as the reader...
  3. R

    Recipe for rolled bread dough?

    In the 1980's my siblings & I gave my mom Betty Crocker recipebook (hey we were just kids LOL). IN it was a recipe for plain white bread (2 loaves). But the recipe called for you to roll it out like pie crust (except thicker of course), and then roll it up into loaf shape. Unfortunately she...
  4. R

    Bob goes to the supermarket and spends $11.20 buying two loaves of bread and... dozen eggs....? Bob goes to the supermarket and spends $11.20 buying two loaves of bread and one dozen eggs. On the same day Jack spends $11.00 buying one load of bread and two dozen eggs from the same supermarket. What was the cost of one loaf of bread and of one dozen of eggs?
  5. T

    Too Much Salt In Shop Bread, Say UK Group

    A recent survey of the salt content of nearly 300 fresh and packaged loaves from chain and independent high street bakeries, supermarkets and their in-store bakeries, found that more than one quarter of them (28%) contained the same amount, or more, of salt in one slice as in a packet of...
  6. G

    Bread. In a Can. [Culture Smash]

    Mmm. Bread. Delicious (well, somewhat) canned bread. In Japan, canned bread is a tasty treat for otaku. Don't believe me? More »
  7. E

    Recipes for Breads you recommend. ( bread maker)?

    Hi! I just bought a bread maker for the first time a few weeks ago. ( panasonic) It works great so far and i have made 3 kinds of loafs and pizza crust. Yummy! Now i wanna try other recipes. like... not a huge loaf but the one i take out the dough from the machine and devide it into 8~12...
  8. L

    Need a sweet cornbread recipe, close to a copy cat of Warmdaddy's bread would

    be awesome? if you haven't been to Warmdaddy's their cornbread is very sweet, so sweet it could be served as dessert. It also has a sweet topping that may just be melted powdered sugar but I'm not sure, it may have some honey in it but I can't tell. Please help
  9. E

    im cooking my own bread and doing my own butter, what are some simple dish's

    that i can do along side these? have to be things i would have in the cupboard, nothing to confusing. thanks. (part from soup) thanks xx
  10. E

    Bread pudding recipe?

    I went to lucille's Bbq and got there bread pudding and it was to die for I was wondering if anyone who has had it could give me the recipe for it or a recipe for one that is similar
  11. D

    Does anyone know of a Kuchen recipe that has bread in the pudding?

    My Grandma that came over from Germany I think it was the Prussia part of Germany I can not remember for sure right now I could look it up if it helps but I am looking for a Kuchen recipe that uses pieces of bread to make the pudding My Grandma use to make it that way and I lost the recipe and I...
  12. A

    Any white bread recipes that make bread like supermarket sliced bread?

    I want to make white bread similar to the type of sliced bread we find in supermarkets but most of the recipes I find make bread that is like french bread. Very delicious but not the type I want. Does anyone know of white bread recipes that are more similar to the sliced bread we find at...
  13. T

    Nutrition facts for Mexican bread? (Elotes)?

    I'm watching what I eat, obviously lol & I reallllllly want to eat some pan dulce (Mexican bread)! It's my FAVORITE! I'm looking for nutrition facts for the Mexican bread called 'Elotes' (spanish for corn). It's a cinnamon flavored dough with a sugar paste filling. good seriously if...
  14. L

    is there something i can use instead of butter for a banana bread recipe?

    something less fattening and healthier? or is butter only possible.. the recipe contains eggs, sugar, flour, baking soda, vanila, bananas, chocolate chipps and then butter, thanks!
  15. L

    need good or funny name for banana bread to sell.?

    singles get around more , eat out more and are more fun ,thought you might be more creative .
  16. I


  17. A

    Do Catholics believe bread turns into the body of Christ?

    When taking communion do Catholics believe the bread and wine turn into the actual body and blood of Christ? They are actually eating the body and blood?
  18. J

    Recipe for Bread Pudding and sauce needed.?

    I'm making this on Friday for my boyfriend cause he told me that it was a desert he really likes. He also told me there was a certain sauce you put on it and if you put on too much or too little it's not as good. I've looked up recipes but the I can't even know what kind of sauce you put on it...
  19. K

    The bread machine you are interested in costs $100 with tax.?

    The bread machine you are interested in costs $100 with tax. The ingredients to make one loaf of bread cost $0.80. What is the linear equation for the total cost?
  20. K

    The bread machine you are interested in costs $100 with tax. The

    ingredient one loaf of bread cost $0.80.? The bread machine you are interested in costs $100 with tax. The ingredients to make one loaf of bread cost $0.80. What is the startup cost, or the cost of the machine?