Recipe for rolled bread dough?


New member
Sep 24, 2011
In the 1980's my siblings & I gave my mom Betty Crocker recipebook (hey we were just kids LOL). IN it was a recipe for plain white bread (2 loaves). But the recipe called for you to roll it out like pie crust (except thicker of course), and then roll it up into loaf shape. Unfortunately she loaned me book and I lost it. I can find other edition's of this recipe book, but not recipe. HELP
How to Form a Loaf of Bread – Bread Baking - Basic Skill
Forming a loaf of bread out of dough is easy. All you need is a clean counter or board and a rolling pin. Begin by using the rolling pin to roll the dough into a ... - Cached

Rolling out bread dough | The Fresh Loaf
I recently came across a recipe that calls for rolling out the dough with a rolling pin, then rolling the result into a loaf like a jelly roll. - Cached