
  1. C

    Does any one have a recipe for low carb bread or cake?

    The Atkins Diet is not so popular in the UK anymore,most of the products have disappeared.Any help would be appreciated !
  2. M

    What are some healthy alternatives to eating grains (like pasta or bread)?

    I'm giving up grains, meat (though I never eat meat anyway), and desserts/sweets of any kind for Lent and my mom is freaking out about it because she thinks I'm going to die or something because I'm not going to eat bread for 40 days. Except I'm really healthy and I'm sure I'll be fine. But...
  3. H

    SURVEY; What is the cost of a loaf of bread in your country?

    the cheapest i have found in my town in the untied states is $1.09
  4. C

    How to keep bread fresh?

    How do I keep bread fresh? Bread, as in store-bought Nature's Own 100% whole-wheat bread? The expiration date lists March 2 but I want to prolong it further than that. Thanks.
  5. S

    How do you get a bread machine fixed?

    My mom bought a really nice bread maker a few years ago, and we turned it on one day to blend the ingredients, and the blending tool in the bottom of the bowl wasn't spinning, but the machine was still making a noise like it was mixing... Can we fix this at home ourselves, or is there a repair...
  6. G

    Is it alright to have just bread for a long time?

    recently i have only eaten bread, rolls, wraps and crisps im busy and don't have time to make food please help give me ideas of healthy quick and easy food 10 points best answer!!
  7. K

    Can I get copepods by putting out a dish with water and bits of bread in it,

    on my deck? Could I use a possibley dried up creek in my back yard?
  8. V

    LED Bread board project?

    Ok so I'm trying to make this LED board but I have no idea how. First, heres what I have.$720135010.jpg...
  9. $

    Mouse baked in bread?

    The last i heard about this it was going to have a DNA test or something like that. Did they ever ged the results?
  10. F

    Can I Feed Dried Bread Crums To A Betta Fish?

    Since it's dry, wondering if it's okay to feed it bread crums for just a day, because I have to get food for him.
  11. P

    Whole wheat bread ?! Help please?

    Is it safe to cut out whole wheat bread? And the only source of grains in your diet would be only cereal? I've lost 15 pounds, but I can't loose anymore. I haven't cut of whole wheat bread out of my diet though, so I'm guessing that's what not allowing me to lose more weight. So is it safe and...
  12. L

    can ponies be bread with horses?

    I mean bred
  13. B

    If I eat a piece of bread right now that is expired November 2008 will it make me

    sick? I know three people and all three of them ate a piece of bread from November of 2008 and all three of them have diarrhea now. Could it have been the bread that made them sick or something else? The bread said that it expired on November 2008 and they ate it about 2/3 days ago.
  14. K

    confused about eating carbs. is wheat bread a refined or processed food?

    i've been working out and it's going great. i'm trying to loose fat from my thighs and i ran across a website that says to cut down on refined and processed foods like bread. i didn't think bread was a refined food. and what the in the world is "lean muscle". i thought all muscle was lean???
  15. S

    Is toast bread healthier than normal bread. I have seen many people eating

    toast bread rather than normal brea? What is the reason behind it? Which one is healthier?
  16. H

    In the morning I usually eat bread I was wondering what HEALTHY spread I can put...

    ...on it? I usually eat bread with peanut butter but i want something else to eat it with. Also, I do not like jam.
  17. D

    I would love to go on A Healthy eating plan - But can't eat Bread, Pasta or

    Potato due to medical reasons ? What do I eat. I would love to be a successful (spell?) actress but I fell that the one thing letting me down is my figure.
  18. K

    looking for home made whole wheat bread receipe?

    I received a loaf pan for xmas and want to make home made bread. I have looked for reciepes but they all seem to take 6-10 cups of flour. I want to make bread to save money but when it takes that much flour its just cheaper to buy a loaf. Anyone have a recipe for 100% whole wheat bread that...
  19. L

    Is raisin bread healthy?

    I want to know if raisin bread is healthy being on or off a diet? And does it have to be eaten alone and still be healthy or can I slap some butter/jam on it and get away with it lol