
  1. S

    Survey: Only Hindus. For which you give more importance with belief? Percentage?

    Traditional Life: ___ % Modern Life : ___ %
  2. M

    Abrahamic religions were based on the belief that humans came out of single

    parents Adam and Eve.....? But now we have science which proves that it's no way possible for human civilization to have started from a single set of parents and there were at least 10000-15000 people. So if base is proved wrong would it be wise to still believe in the religion based on proved...
  3. T

    Threatening Situations Increase 'Belief In Science'

    A faith in the explanatory and revealing power of science increases in the face of stress or anxiety, a study by Oxford University psychologists suggests. The researchers argue that a 'belief in science' may help non-religious people deal with adversity by offering comfort and reassurance, as...
  4. E

    is the belief of free will present in Judaism?

    do jews believe in free will or is G-d in control of everything?
  5. S

    In Judaism, is there still a belief in angels?

    I know in Biblical days, angels were often mentioned, but does modern-day Judaism still hold that angels exist, and what do they say angels do? Are they messengers or guardians?
  6. M

    Simple question about a Judaism belief?

    In the Jewish religion, is there some sort of connection to someone far far back that makes everyone related? If yes, is the belief that all Jews are related or all people on the planet are related? Also in other religions, what's the beliefs with relations to each other?
  7. T

    Contrary To Popular Belief, Private Foreign Patients Are A Lucrative Source Of NHS In

    Contrary to some media reports, more UK residents currently travel abroad for treatment than international patients travel to the UK to access NHS or private treatment here, say researchers in this week's BMJ. Depending on the procedure undertaken, patients who travel abroad may also save the UK...
  8. S

    Does a "Christian" consider him/herself a "Christian" based only on their belief....?

    Does a "Christian" consider him/herself a "Christian" based only on their belief....? ...that "Jesus is their savior", and it does not MATTER what is or is not in the bible? That as long as they have that ONE belief, that is all that is required?
  9. T

    Why do people with an emotional attachment to a belief get so riled up when...

    ...someone laughs at it? They know who they are.
  10. T

    Isn't belief causing belief a self-fulfilling prophecy or a foregone conclusion?

    Faith is basically defined as belief without complete evidence, and is essentially the opposite of logic. I've asked this before, and never received a straight answer. Tell me, theists, what exactly is "faith", and why is it even a good thing? Many people assert to believe in god requires faith...
  11. L

    Belief System Help Please ..?

    I'm really confused about my own "beliefs". Can I just be on my own when it comes to beliefs or do I need to fit into some sort of category if there even is one for me? In short, I believe, there is no "God" that created all of this or us. Yet I do believe in some sort of "God", but that this...
  12. Z

    Is the belief that the souls of converts to Judaism were present at Mt. Sinai

    based in the Jewish scriptures? Or is it just a common belief with no scriptural basis among some Jews? Not that it makes the belief any less valid. I hope I worded that correctly. Trying to learn everything I can. Seriously? Thanks Kaganate for a more sincere answer. What's a better word...
  13. N

    What is the fastest growing religion or belief in the world and why?

    I included belief because I did not know what to call Atheism and Agnosticism. But anyway, I've seen on the Internet many sources say Islam, and some say Christianity. Which is it?
  14. A

    JEWS, JUDAISM - In modern Jewish belief what are the rules regarding these issue

    of modesty and dress? (If it differs according to age or marital status please inlclude.) A. Wearing a bathing suit: a thong? topless? B. Posing nude in a non-sexual situation like as a model for a college art class. C. Family situations in the home: Is their a strict cover-up standard or are...
  15. A

    JEWS, JUDAISM - In modern Jewish belief what are the rules regarding these issue

    of modesty and dress? (If it differs according to age or marital status please inlclude.) A. Wearing a bathing suit: a thong? topless? B. Posing nude in a non-sexual situation like as a model for a college art class. C. Family situations in the home: Is their a strict cover-up standard or are...
  16. T

    Was Adolf Hitler saved through his belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and...

    ...Savior (Romans 10:9)? If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV) "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter." – Adolf Hitler, April 12, 1922 @PastorsRUS -...
  17. L

    What religion is this where there's a belief in just One God and teaches to worship

    Him alone..? Jannat has the right answer =]
  18. T

    Was Adolf Hitler saved through his belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and...

    ...Savior (Romans 10:9)? If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV) "My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and...
  19. L

    There appears to be a bell curve for the belief in the age of the Earth....

    ...Where do you fall? We have one end of the spectrum tapering off near 6 to 10 thousand years old... ...and the other end of the spectrum coming in at 76 trillion years old. YE Biblical Creationists, and the Nation of Islam, respectively. The average is not the mean. Where do you fall on...
  20. T

    Christians, why do you complain about your "personal" belief being disrespected?

    Christians, why do you complain about your "personal" belief being disrespected? when you never keep them personal. As soon as you assume another persons "personal" beliefs aren't just as important to them, then you are disrespecting "their" beliefs. Please don't say you don't attempt to...