
  1. G

    POLL (for Guys only) do you find big lips on a white girl attractive?

    Okay this probably dosent matter but I'll say it anyways , I'm mostly white and I have pourtirican and native American in me which is probably where I get this big lip gene from. Anyways, so when I was little I ALWAYS got compliments on my lips . Nothing innapropiate, people would just say that...
  2. D

    Are straight girls ugly while bi/bicurious/lesbian girls are attractive?

    First, I know that the vast majority of girls are bi/bicurious/lesbian(80%) and that the vast majority of girls are experimental and have been with girls and turned on by girls. Saying that, this is about the very few girls that are actually straight and don't get with girls. Are these girls...
  3. T

    Girls, men who don't complain and whine are more attractive?

    Men who don't self-loath and get depressed when something doesn't go their way and say stuff like "my life sucks" and "I'm loser".
  4. R

    Are straight girls ugly, while bi/bicurious/lesbian girls are attractive?

    First, I already know that nearly all girls are bi/bicurious/lesbian(90%) and that the vast majority of girls are experimental and get with girls all the time. But, this is for the very few girls who are actually straight. Are these girls usually unattractive? Everyone talks about how bi girls...
  5. T

    Who is more attractive?

    Megan Fox in Transformers, OR, the Blonde in the newest Transformers? I forget her name, so anyone who knows that, that would be great! I know she is married to Jason Statham. My personal opionion is the new girl, but, I've always been a sucker for blondes!
  6. M

    Do you think I am attractive enough to at least be considered by the

    producer of a hollywood film? I have dreamed of being in a movie for as long as I can remember, this bad economy is inspiring me to leave everything behind and pursue my dream, Im not a boastful or proud person, but I do consider myself to be better looking than many of the "beautiful people" I...
  7. S

    girls, which guy is most attractive and rate each one?
  8. B

    poll; isn't it funny that people who are more attractive get more answers?

    like people who actually upload a real pic of themselves being cute or whatever. lol
  9. O

    Girls whats more attractive a guy who does parkour or a guy who has hiked

    the APplachian taril? parkour 2175 miles on the APpalachian trail. Wet, cold, painful, hardship.. beautiful naature. outdoor type.
  10. M

    how do i change myself so i am attractive?

    i am overweight by about 80 lbs and am trying to lose some weight, but i have great eyes , classic good looking facial features, hair and am 6 ft 6 and am 14. know any tips you can share on working out and looking better? how do i attract women better
  11. Y

    How to describe a "typical" attractive blonde?

    I'm writing a short love story that has a traditionally pretty blond-haired, purple-eyed young woman around 20 to 25-years-old. She has a fairly large bust and a slender, but not skinny, build. Her look and body type is supposed to be kind of predictable compared to all the other women in my...
  12. P

    What do girls actually find attractive about Roger Federer?

    Im very curious i know a lot of girls who think Roger is hot, goodlooking....whatever ya wanna call it, but it beats me to how they can possibly think this. I dont want to here he is ``classy`` im talking purely based on his looks!!! Yes, yes im nice i added a little treat for yous all at the...
  13. O

    does straight women find male anime characters attractive?

    I am not asking if they find EVERY male character attractive but if we take an anime like Naruto or Bleach, would a women be attracted to some of the male characters? or what about Bish?nen characters?
  14. I

    Please could tell me who is more attractive, me or my ex-love interest.?

    Right I know it's stupid to use the internet for a possible self-esteem boost, but I'm all out on ideas to deal with how I'm feeling. I have suffered a lot of shit from this guy, including physical abuse. So I just want to be able to hold my head high and look straight on when I see him and...
  15. D

    is it attractive if us girls have a sence of humor or not???

    is it attractive? or does it make you look stupid and weird when you are talking to a guy and you have a sence of humor!!! help!!???
  16. H

    why people who speak from the heart are funny or even attractive for other people ?

    i'd like a scientifical answer
  17. M

    How can a guy make his face and hair more attractive no homo?

    I have long hair that I wear to the side across my forehead like lacrosse styled hair, I barely have and acne left whatsoever and I got my braces off and my teeth are really white, and I'm trying to impress this girl that likes guys with lacrosse "flow" (don't say I'm a poser because I do play)...
  18. D

    girls, do you find mma fighters or boxers more attractive?

    Just wandering lol tyler good i was gonna do boxing anyways, mma if i cant do boxing
  19. C

    I had a dream that i woke up as usual but there was an attractive girl there who...

    ...pulled me of bed by the ear? I have never seen the girl before and she looked angry
  20. B

    Where can I meet attractive women that would rather have sex than get drunk?

    It seems many attractive women prefer to go out, get smashed rather than want to pick up, or meet a guy for a relationship. Why is that?