
  1. D

    What's the ugliest celebrity that you still find attractive?

    ...if that makes any sense. For me I would have to say...that Renee Zelwelger girl. She looks like her face was kicked in, but she's still kind of attractive.
  2. S

    Ladies: gay men celebrities that you find attractive and wish they were straight?

    I like Neil-Patrick Harris
  3. S

    How would these female celebs rank from most attractive to least attractive?

  4. S

    Most attractive celeb?

    Who do you think is one of the most attractive celebrities?
  5. D

    Who do you think is the most attractive celeb out there?

    Okay, shallow question, but I want to see what answers I get. Male or female. And to answer my own question, I'd probably say Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, and Fairuza Balk.
  6. J

    Who do you think is the most attractive celebrity?

    What's your opinion?
  7. B

    Are there any dark skinned black women, that are celebrities, considered attractive?

    Name some please. Oh and they must be under 30 years old.