
  1. A

    Well, This Is A Problem: Americans Think A Healthy Diet Is Harder Than Doing Taxes

    There's a lot of hand-wringing over American obesity. It's threatening to crush the nation into oblivion! It's mean to talk about! It's the government's fault! It's the obese population's fault! But the fact about obesity is that it's a complex issue with many, many causes. Among them: a lack of...
  2. A

    Holy Crap! Biking Saves Americans $4.6 Billion Dollars

    As lawmakers are scrounging to figure out how to nip and tuck local and state government budgets to save some cash, they may want to stop looking under the couch cushions and check out in the garage. According to a joint report from the Sierra Club, the*National Council of La Raza, and...
  3. T

    An Estimated 53 Million Americans May Have Diabetes By 2025

    The Diabetes 2025 Model for the U.S. projects a continuous and dramatic increase in the diabetes epidemic and makes it possible to estimate the potential effects of society-wide changes in lifestyle and healthcare delivery systems. Predictions for individual states and population subgroups are...
  4. A

    Yay! President Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage (Like Half of Americans)

    Hooray! President Obama*just came out in support of full marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans, in an*interview with ABC News’*Robin Roberts*this afternoon. Though he stressed that he was expressing his personal position—politically, he still supports states' rights to decide on their...
  5. G

    Why do most Americans doubt AGW?

    Features Michael E. Mann, author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines Read the comments on this post...
  6. T

    Anxiety Or Depression Common Among Aging Adult Americans With Arthritis

    Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one-third of U.S. adults with arthritis, 45 years and older, report having anxiety or depression. According to findings that appear today, April 30th, in Arthritis Care & Research, a journal published by...
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    Americans on Energy: New UT Study

    Another poll shows increasing and strong interest among Americans in developing Green Technology and related technologies, as well as reduced interest in anti-environmental extremism and petrolatum-related efforts. Previously, we discussed the new poll by the Science Debate people, and now we...
  8. A

    Most Americans Do Get Enough Vitamins

    We're*relentlessly bombarded with*how poor the standard American diet is, so it may come as a bit of a surprise that most Americans do get enough vitamins and nutrients.*A report published this week by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found only about 10% of the population...
  9. T

    Is there any point in discussing reason with the 78% of Americans who

    believe Christ rose from the dead? Rasmussen reports that 78% of Americans believe Christ rose from the dead. In other words, the majority of Americans are superstitious people to whom "truth" comes from a book of mythology. Does this help explain why politicians appeal to voters' emotions...
  10. S

    why don't more americans realize that all religions are man-made?

    There is no such thing as a true religion. They have all come from our imaginations or mind-altering substances. Why are behind other countries such as Norway, Japan, Sweden, Netherlands, etc? jacob johnson- re·li·gious adj \ri-'li-j?s\ 1 : relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an...
  11. C

    Why do Americans get so upset when we British condemn Thatcher?

    After all, we are the ones who lived through those rotten years of the old monster's war on decent ordinary people. What does this tell us about their media and propaganda posing as news?
  12. S

    Why are Americans always complaining?

    Why are we never grateful for what we have? My husband and I make below the national poverty line, we have a baby, and I'm starting school (college). In America, we are considered "poor". Yet... we very RARELY stress about finances... Hmmm? We always have food to eat, warm showers, and we are...
  13. A

    About how many Americans are put in jail without being suspected of

    committing a crime?eg unplaced foster kids? I've heard of wards of the state being put in jail just because there was no where else to put them, and 18 year olds being put in jail because they were unable to pay fines for things like being late to school (which is not illegal). I was wondering...
  14. A

    About how many Americans are put in jail without being suspected of

    committing a crime?eg unplaced foster kids? I've heard of wards of the state being put in jail just because there was no where else to put them, and 18 year olds being put in jail because they were unable to pay fines for things like being late to school (which is not illegal). I was wondering...
  15. H

    what did native americans believe? what was their religion?

    they believe in gods or spirits?
  16. C

    Why do some African Americans whine about being black?

    I am a black person and a lot of these African Americans make me ashamed of being apart of a race where a lot of us play the "Woe is me, I'm black!" card. I am so sick and tired of these selfish people crying about how they're so angry at random white people because their so "privileged" and...
  17. C

    Why do some African Americans whine about being black?

    I am a black person and a lot of these African Americans make me ashamed of being apart of a race where a lot of us play the "Woe is me, I'm black!" card. I am so sick and tired of these selfish people crying about how they're so angry at random white people because their so "privileged" and...
  18. C

    Why can't Americans legally eat cats and dogs but can eat racoons,...

    ...rabbits, deer, squirrels, birds, and fish? We can eat turtles, frogs, doves, ducks and other animals but why are cats and dogs off limits and they are so many of them running around? We eat ugly and smelly animals like cows, pigs and goats but no cats and dogs. Is there any difference between...
  19. A

    CDC Dubs Bread The #1 Source Of Sodium For Americans

    A new government report released today says that bread is the number one source of sodium in the American diet, ranking higher than even salty snacks like potato chips and pretzels. The bad news is that nine out of ten Americans are eating so much bread (and other salty foods), that they're...
  20. G

    Anonymous-Leaked Emails Reveal Syrian Presidential Aides' Disdain for Americans [Anon

    An Anonymous-affliliated hacker group has stolen and leaked hundreds of damaging emails from Syria's Ministry of Presidential Affairs including a damning thread regarding the manipulation of American opinion of President Assad's dissent-crushing tactics. More »