
  1. V

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data?

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data? its been a long time here in India since it was launched ,i can see only blue ray movie discs at we still use dvd writers and dvds for backup
  2. B

    Are u Americans using blue ray discs and blue ray writers to backup data?

    where's here? (Just curios) here in America (at least in my community) we still use dvd too and dvd writers too . blue ray is nice but i dont see much people using it. even the blue ray writers, i never seen one.
  3. D

    Do Americans ever use HTC or Samsung smartphones?

    I've never seen an American use HTC or Samsung smartphones before. I've only seen them use iPhones, Blackberrys and Nokia Lumia smartphones.
  4. M

    I'm curious to know that why Americans start to play cricket, will it replace

    baseball? Baseball is so boring comparing cricket. What do you guys think?
  5. K

    Do you think Americans have developed an immunity towards Gang violence and

    high crime rate? I think they have. American cities are far far more violent than any in Europe, Canada, Australia or Japan.
  6. A

    90% Of Americans Suffer From Headaches, Says Ouch-y Infographic

    Everyone hates headaches. Whether you suffer from severe migraines or just feel a throb when you're a bit under the weather, headaches are extremely common and extremely annoying. Check out this infographic to learn everything you always (or maybe never?) wanted to know about headaches and how...
  7. S

    Why do homophobic Americans tell us the LGBT community demand "special rights" when

    Why do homophobic Americans tell us the LGBT community demand "special rights" when illegal Mexicans? ......when Mexicans are the REAL ones demanding SPECIAL RIGHTS!?!? LGBT American CITIZENS only ask for EQUAL rights as other American citizens enjoy. Illegal Mexicans make demands that we...
  8. M

    Do Americans get that logically speaking the Supreme Court says you can own people?

    corporations are people-- ring any bells at all?
  9. T

    Study Suggests Only Half Of Americans With Hepatitis C Receive Complete Testing For T

    CDC reinforces need for appropriate follow-up testing for current infection Only half of Americans identified as ever having had hepatitis C received follow-up testing showing that they were still infected, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis of data from a...
  10. V

    Do Americans go on vacation and companies in LA close during August or most people

    work that month? I'm from Europe, I want to come to Los Angeles to meet several people, and have a sort of business trip but I am free only during August. Will everybody in LA be away during that month or most companies are open? I mean, in the part of Europe I'm from, August is the month...
  11. J

    Do Americans love the New FIAT 500 ?

    Straight from Italy, just like the commercial said and they lady is hot
  12. T

    Half Of Americans Would Consider Donating A Kidney To A Stranger According To Poll

    Good news for anyone needing a transplant; a new Mayo Clinic survey shows that the public's support for both living and deceased organ donation is increasing. Eighty-four percent of respondents said they would be very or somewhat likely to consider donating a kidney or a portion of their liver...
  13. Ou812YtADissident

    When older Americans of Russian origin open Yahoo Newz do they have flashbacks

    of the USSR and Pravda? True Story- I ran into a Russian vet of the Afghanistan war one day and we sat down for a little talk. He explained how uncivilized the Afghans were and what animals he believed them to be. He also explained how uncomfortable a tank is when it's been stopped and is fired...
  14. A

    Americans Eating Less, Still Getting Fatter (Can We Stop Counting Calories Now?)

    A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis showing that despite America's ever-rising obesity rate, average calorie intake is actually down over the past decade. Perhaps it doesn't matter if we're eating less calories because we're also eating crappier calories? More » Americans...
  15. S

    Why do Americans work so many long hours for lower pay & fewer vacations than...

    ...most of the world? Threy get barely 2 weeks of vacation pe year and have low pay in USD currency and work twice as long as most of the world in a week. Why? Do they like being slaves? How can they call themselves 'free' when it shows they're not?
  16. S

    question why do Americans think they are so physically tough just because they...

    ...pioneered bodybuilding and cros? sfit? I am East Indian and I can assure you stupid american mongrels you are NOTHING. I have seen those crossfitters, the women look jacked like they are on steroids and the men as well. Very grotesque. If you put them in an Eastern European weightlifting...
  17. J

    Do americans let their cats outdoors as much as british people do?

    Here in the U.K almost everybody i know lets their cats outside (unless they have just got it or thier cat is old). The RSPCA and the Cats Protection seem to think its alright to let cats out as well. However, looking at fellow posts on yahoo answers some americans have called cat owners who...
  18. S

    What are some things Canadians say different than Americans?

    Thank you! Hope this doesn't offend anyone
  19. D

    What do Canadians think when Americans rant about their health care?

    There a quite a few political pundits and such in States who talk about how horrible Canada's "socialized" health care is, and how Canadians secretly want ours, and so on and so forth. I was just wondering what Canadians think when Americans rant about their health care, do you find it...
  20. J

    Why do americans and british people argue so much on xbox live?

    I saw alot of vids of american and british people arguing with eachother on Xbox Live is there somekind of war i dont know about? btw im a South African so i dont know what going on