Why do americans and british people argue so much on xbox live?


New member
Feb 19, 2013
I saw alot of vids of american and british people arguing with eachother on Xbox Live is there somekind of war i dont know about? btw im a South African so i dont know what going on
USA and UK in general are in deep arguing times. In means of people, everything between them is contrasted. They think, speak and even laugh differently. Although what I've found interesting is British sense of humour - not funny, unless you understand it. And I don't really know why, but this multi-nation arguing is extremely common in game chatting. Nobody can explain it either.

If you're South African, then you should not be worried about European and American nations. Those are nothing more than just trouble. Your country is your peace and you should be proud of that.
its only human nature to argue. they argue because they are frustrated that they are not doing well and take their anger out on other people.
Americans and British people seem to have this innate and pointless smug dislike of each other.

In most cases they tend to remain civil about it. But, add that with the anonimity and generally hateful atmosphere of Xbox live, and people are bound to start yelling at each other one way or another.
Well depends on their personality, I have a few British & American friends on Xbox Live who got off quite well and to top that off I'm Asian, and yet we mostly joke around than argue. Its only when our competitive side takes over thats probably when we start arguing.
I treat others how they treat me. If they are mean I will be mean. If they are nice I will be nice. If I have nothing nice to say I will not say anything at all. I do NOT care what ethnicity, sex, or whatever else you think someone can have against you. I care about who you are and what you do.