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  1. E

    can i feed my water python wild skinks?

    i live in Australia and i get loads of little skinks in my garden would it be alright if i fed them to my water python (are they protected, are they bad for it, e.c.t) and if so should i freeze then unfreeze them?? thank you don't get angry this is why I'm asking first
  2. E

    can i feed my water python wild skinks?

    i live in Australia and i get loads of little skinks in my garden would it be alright if i fed them to my water python (are they protected, are they bad for it, e.c.t) and if so should i freeze then unfreeze them?? thank you don't get angry this is why I'm asking first
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    Question about Jesus Christ?

    My suggestion is always to go to the bible for answers. John 1...."in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Jesus was God made flesh. He is also the son of God, as He was born into this world the way any human is...
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    Christians, has Jesus Christ helped you in the areas of emotional or mental health?

    Yes, when I was younger I was very sad and confused. I am now a joyful, confident woman who understands why the world looks so awful. The bible had my answers.
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    What would say if you had your favourite celebrity phone number?

    If you were to call your favourite celebrity what would you say
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    Why is being gay a sin, but touching dead pig skin or wearing 2 woven fabrics is not

    Steven, gentile believers in Christ were never held to the laws of health and diet given by God, to Moses, for the Hebrews, as listed in the OT. The new testament very clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin. That is why Christians think it is. Very simple answer.
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    Software to share desktop + 2 webcam streams?

    For my research I'm looking for software that allows me to simultaneously share my desktop (browser window) AND view both incoming and outgoing webcam streams. Most software I've found hides one of the webcam streams when you try to share your screen. I have to be able to see both my own and the...
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    Christians John 1:1-3,14 What do these verses mean to you?

    Obviously, that Jesus was God made flesh.
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    Christians: If Jesus Christ came right now to earth, would you be prepared?

    What exactly is "being prepared"? A Christian believes in Jesus as their savior and desires to life a life according to His word. Does that mean I never sin? No it doesn't. I'm as prepared this moment as I'll ever be. That is, I'm a sinner saved by grace.
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    Why do women whine about sexism since they are the most sexist people?

    Another snarky question by another dumped man.
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    Christians, can you give me a bible prophecy that was fulfilled?

    I could give you about a hundred, but the creation of the nation of Israel in the 40's is one. P.S. "You're not giving me I've actually seen". You do realize that history has been around longer than you have on this earth? You've gotten lots of good answers. I hope you don't swat all of...
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    What are some prophecies in the bible that specifically happened?

    One I can think of that was fulfilled during our lives (well, a bit before I came along) was predicting Israel coming back together as a nation, which they did in the 1940's. There are lots more, I'm just super tired this evening!
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    Can anyone give me interesting facts about anything ?

    Uhm If it is 60 degrees farenheit or lower outside a grasshopper can not hop
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    why should my rights be restricted because of somebody else's religion?

    Mitchell, please feel free to get married in any of the states that allow homosexuals to marry. The rest of us would appreciate your staying out.
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    Epic Sci Fi Costume for Contest at College?

    a. Amidala b. Zelda c. Invisible man d. Buzz lightyear e. Other (comment)
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    Am I the only one who thinks Judas Iscariot is one of the most...

    God's plans are never thwarted. If there was no Judas, something else would have transpired to bring about the events that led Jesus to the cross.
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    No religion no war.....?

    Lots of wars have had nothing to do with religion. Put two people together, someone will hit first. For heaven's sakes, look at Cain and Able. How many people were on the planet, four? Murder started pretty early in human history!
  18. E

    I need help to earn money please?

    I am sooooo happy, my parents have said I can get a horse after lots of convincing if I buy it myself. I have done the sums and I will need $10 000 to keep the horse and about $2000-4000 to buy. I have already saved up $1000 and I get $10 pocket money a month, I will be getting a job doing the...
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    What good is heaven if all the creative, interesting people are going to hell?

    Oh you're so right. Alcoholics are so interesting. Heaven will be a place reserved for those who love God.
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    The Abrahamic-Faith had to wait 2,000 yrs for Christ 1st Coming....does

    No it does not. And it was longer than 2,000 years before Jesus appeared, counting from Genesis. P.S. Faith in God did not start with Abraham, dear.