Why do women whine about sexism since they are the most sexist people?

Good for you! As a woman it is refreshing when a man is not afraid to act masculine and to hold anyone and everyone...including women, accountable for their actions. "Feminism", particularly the more radical aspects of the movement has been one of the most destructive forces in society in the last thirty years. It has been encouraged and pedalled, by those with a greater agenda, so disgustingly that I find myself wanting to apologize on behalf of my gender on a regular basis. I will of course probably get a thumb down or two for my opinion but men are made to feel like second class, superfluous people who should suppress and conquer any masculine tendencies. Pity. I like a man that acts masculine in the best and purest sense of the word.
The same reason some blacks complain about racism and then openly discriminate against whites.
History gives them a sense of entitlement. They feel now it's their turn.