What are some prophecies in the bible that specifically happened?


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Like what scripture specifically said what and when something happend and it did?

Keeping it all in context that is.
One I can think of that was fulfilled during our lives (well, a bit before I came along) was predicting Israel coming back together as a nation, which they did in the 1940's.

There are lots more, I'm just super tired this evening!
Oh, come now! You've been on this forum longer than I have. You know you can search for questions already asked before asking the same exact question in less than a day. Why keep asking questions when you don't want the answers anyway?
The easiest way to find that is to open a Bible, and look at the cross references in the margins. Prophecy given will usually have a cross reference to a passage where it was fulfilled (for example, the promise of Isaac to Abraham). Likewise, fulfilled prophesies will have a cross reference to the passage where the prophecy was given.

There are also Scriptures in the New Testament that will pinpoint an event and say that it is a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy. Like this, for example: Mat 27:9 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet...

That is if you are looking for things in Scripture, like the promise of the Messiah and it's fulfillment.

If you are looking for something in more recent times, it would be Israel becoming a nation for the second time in 1948, the six day war, the re-taking of Jerusalem...

Keyword search fulfilled prophecy, and you will get tons of websites.
One of the most intriguing is in the Book of Daniel where he prophesied all the world empires. At the time of his prophecy, which was in the form of a dream interpretation for Nebuchadnezzar, he saw the future kingdoms of Mede-Persian, Greece, Rome, and the final world government being formed now which you may know as the "New World Order" - all the nations are calling for it today. This one will be in existence when the Lord returns. It will be headed by a central figure (called the "antichrist") and you may have read recently where the vatican is calling for a world central bank and global authority who would make financial decisions for the world. (world empires - Dan 2, Alexander the Great - Dan 8, etc...)
It depends on whether you mean during bible times or now. but if you read the bible, early on it talks about how jacob fought god, but when he asks for his name , he keeps it a secret
and when moses talks to the burning bush ? he says i am who i am
jesus was god but his name was hidden until he came to earth

his death was planned if you think about it, God can not be a man, and that is why they crucified jesus
had they known that his name was gods name , they would not of killed him
but had they not killed him, "us" gentiles would of never been saved.

so people who hate jews raelly dont have an idea
and they owe them a lot

the bible predicts israel would once again become a country, it also says that he would make his people leaders and not followers ( prosperous) and if you look at who the richest , smartest people are
it would be the jews
According to them, people would rebell and there would be more earthquakes...basically very vague stuff. Kind of how the more vague you make the fortune in a fortune cookie, the more likely it is to happen.
When God told the Jewish people before entering the Land of Isreal that if they didn't follow his commandments they would all be exile to all corners of the World

and it did happen you can now see that theres Jews every where.