Recent content by JackN

  1. J

    ST you have helped me in real life

    Thx to my years of training on pbn, when i take it to rl ppl dont know what to say. I got so tired of this trick, she always trys to look smart in class. So were in class and the teacher spells something wrong, instead of just letting her go on with her lesson this bitch comes out of no were...
  2. J

    fill me in

    Haha, I dont know why but i lol'd hard.
  3. J

    How to fight an excessive noise ticket?

    Alright so here's a story, it's 1 in the morning on 12/31/10 and I'm driving and I get pulled over. The cop first of is very agitated yelling "what the fu*k are you thinking!" and other vulgarities and I do have a witness to testify that. He asks us are you drunk, high, questioning the ownership...
  4. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  5. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  6. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  7. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  8. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  9. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  10. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  11. J

    funny walking cane...?

    I want to buy someone a funny walking cane... Any suggestions?
  12. J

    Bike riding............................?

    Hello, I am thinking of starting bike riding (15, 20 miles distance) and I was wondering what kind of a bike should I be looking to buy. Road bike vs. speed bike? I don't really care that much about speed just want to get a good workout. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you
  13. J

    Is anyone else getting really annoyed with spiders?

    Overrun by wasps mostly. Nightmare!!
  14. J

    my tv will no play my dvd?

    i try to play my dvd but no work. I buy dvd player from walmart but no work with dvd. I see hd on the cd so i buy hd tv but still no work. what else do i need to make work. some dvd work but some no work.
  15. J

    Pi Day!!!

    thanks, it was really starting to bother me :tup: