Is anyone else getting really annoyed with spiders?

Some spiders and the other day I walked into my kitchen and there was about.. a thousand blue bottle flies flying around :zomg: I was like ZOMG where the heck did they come from :emo: And they're all dead now but I wonder why there were so many.

Maybe someone in my house is a murderer :shock: And has murdered some one :shock: And has hid them under the kitchen floorboards :shock:
Ok maybe not
Eughh that picture made me :afraid: shudder.

In fact, the whole spider talk in this thread is making me feel like i have things crawling all over me :bawling:
aww no I can't kill them :(

...well I wanted to vacuum them but aparently half 12 wasn't a suitable time for that...

If there's one I'm happy to get it out with a glass... but 7 :eek:
Here's what my brother often does with spiders/bugs. Grab a can of deoderant with a lighter in front of the nozzle, and you've got yourself a home-made flamethrower to kill the bastards! :D
Eugh there's been big ones in my house =/

My sister was sitting on the toilet next to a massive one, and she didn't realise until she had finished.

There are like 6 in my bathroom at the minute.

I don't really mind them, though - find a cup, bit of paper, bye-bye Mr Spider - enjoy the garden :)
u shuda seen the one in my house i slayed that beast it hid for about a hour and I couldn't find it but then i saw it near the tv got my weapon from the kitchen and stole his life.
Did you ever see the Jetsons movie? It kinda reminds me of the little creatures from that (think they were called grungies?), but with additional eyes.
Moths and spiders.. arghhhh!
Especially cos my boyfriends more scared of them than me, so it's up to me to get rid of them:mad:
They are all ****** Usain Bolt spiders, they can move to damn quick so by the time I have got a glass/hoover/aerosol+lighter they have hidden. Damn :ninja: spiders.