ST you have helped me in real life


Apr 23, 2008
Thx to my years of training on pbn, when i take it to rl ppl dont know what to say. I got so tired of this trick, she always trys to look smart in class.

So were in class and the teacher spells something wrong, instead of just letting her go on with her lesson this bitch comes out of no were and fucks up the whole thing cuz she wants to look smart and correct one word on the board.
h=her m=me
h: you spelled believe wrong
m: wow spelling nazi much?
h: no it needs to be spelled correctly so people can understand
m: everyone knows what she was tryin to spell, she was off by one letter. Just because your a noob and cant comprehend a word with one misspelled letter does not mean you have to stop the whole class for 4 minutes trying to correct it.
h: shut up
m: go play in traffic
h: why the fuck would i do that
m: so you cant reproduce and spread your idiotic ways to helpless children
(class is laughing there fuck ass's off)
h: fuck you
m: go drink bleach hoe
class: hahahahaha
teacher: ok guys lets get back on subject

good times, thx st. I had to tell you, i thought u would be proud of me.
very shens

i got a detention for screaming pwnd when a kid dropped the scalpel on the floor. /pointless story.

I am on ST early, wasting my fucking time, and you post a shitty thread for me to read. COME ON'
You failed your ST graduation test.

At some point in the conversation you were supposed to engange in buttsecks.
Relatively high degree of fail. Still not epic fail however. Try harder. Vids of fail would be epic.
How do we know said girl and teacher really exist? I believe we need pictures to confirm their existence.
i go to a college prep charter school so most shit flys

sry u is gonna has to take my word for it.