Remember when the neocons complained about the challenge to the Florida vote?


May 18, 2008
They claimed that the Democrats were whiners and unpatriotic. They proclaimed the will of the people. Now they won't accept the results in Minnesota. Just how lame is that? Has the GOP reached the acme of cynicism?
Come on, folks! The issue is not the outcome in either, but the invective and the self righteous positioning. How can we take one position in one case and the opposite in another without appearing to be unprincipled?
Remember when the Democrats were screaming "count every last vote"? Interesting how that's not as important when you're ahead and some ballots weren't counted.
How lame is that that Democrats had to continue counting THIS LONG to get the results to come out the way they wanted?
BTW, I'm a Democrat.
I seem to remember an awful lot of Democrats complaining about the results of the Florida vote when it was decided in favor of Bush. Was that NOT the will of the people? The court thought it was.

Were you not aware of that, or did you think nobody remembered?
there is a hige difference. thousands of military votes were not accepted in florida and trust me they weren't for the dems!
I seem to remember an awful lot of Democrats complaining about the results of the Florida vote when it was decided in favor of Bush. Was that NOT the will of the people? The court thought it was.

Were you not aware of that, or did you think nobody remembered?
The democrats in florida in 2000 were not as unpatriotic as the democrats in Minnesota who outright forged ballot which were later "found" in the trunks of random cars and other dubious spots, all of which happened to be Franken votes.

This guy is a con-artist and a liar to boot. Why is exposing him as such considered cynical or unpatriotic? This isn't about the will of the people, it is about putting a stop to election fraud.
They are just pissed that the were unable to get away with fixing another election.
There was just one difference. The Republicans were right in Florida. The Democrats were wrong. They simply tried and apparently succeeded in stealing Minnesota.

They tried to manufacture votes in Florida in 2000 and lost. But don't forget, the Democrats tried in 2004, in Ohio to manufacture 150,000 votes. They were unsuccessful then too. They finally learned how to do it and get away with it.
Oh ye history-rewriters......Are you hoping people will forget that the issue was that THE LEGAL DEADLINE HAD PASSED FOR A RECOUNT....and Gore wanted to continue the recount, even though it was ILLEGAL.

But then, the law doesn't matter for you guys, does it?
Why do you care?

Your dream has come true, there is finally one party rule in this country. Now let's see the Traveling Socialist Roadshow actually accomplish something, instead of just being the "ANTI" Party.

Taking both sides of an issue doesn't seem to bother very many people in either party.

Why so serious?