
  1. H

    Who needs neocons when you've got Obama running US foreign policy?

    I wonder if in Neocons will start migrating back to the Democratic party over the next 10-20 years.
  2. C

    How long would Fox News have to claim water isn't wet before neocons

    vehemently argue that point for them? According to my observations approximately 1.2 weeks elapse between Fox News introducing a talking point and their hive collective running full throttle with the misinformation.
  3. M

    Why didn't Neo-cons complain about Voodoo economics redistributing wealth from the...

    ...poor to the rich? You know, since they hate the redistribution of wealth so much.
  4. S

    Are Neocons whining because the President proposes tax enforcement on loopholes...

    ...for the rich? Obama also proposes to maintain the tax on estates worth more than $3.5 million, instead of letting it expire next year. And he proposes "a fairly aggressive effort on tax enforcement" that would target tax havens and corporate loopholes, among other provisions, the official...
  5. I

    What are ya'll neocons basing these "anti-christ" predictions on?

    I want 3 legitimate reasons for Obama being anti-christ. I also want to know if you think the economy will suck under him, why will the antichrist have 3 and a half years of unprecedented prosperity? think about it and give me three legitimate reasons plz!!! NOBAMA - you better edit your...
  6. D

    Remember when the neocons complained about the challenge to the Florida vote?

    They claimed that the Democrats were whiners and unpatriotic. They proclaimed the will of the people. Now they won't accept the results in Minnesota. Just how lame is that? Has the GOP reached the acme of cynicism? Come on, folks! The issue is not the outcome in either, but the invective...
  7. K

    Are all the predictions of an Obama failure evaporating before neocons' eyes? ?

    "The dollar today rose to the highest level in almost three weeks against the euro and also surged against the yen on speculation that the Obama plan would help the U.S. economy recover from recession." See, friends, this...