Given that men and women are basically equal: What does Tracey have to


May 17, 2008
complain about now?
BLUE B: I never use the word 'hate'
You did.
Feminists are annoying and just because I am gay does not presuppose I support them.
I support absolute equality.
As for Tracey: she endeavors to bully men because she is damaged.
PREGNANT CHRISTIAN: just because I recognize hate in others does not mean I feel hate.
It is obvious that Divina is hateful towards gays but I am not hateful towards heterosexuals.
She has problems because by her own admission she was abused by what she calls 'pagan homosexual adults' when she was a child and now she is deranged and has generalized her hatred to all gays. It's her problem.
MICAHEL V: you ask if I 'hate chicks'


a/ I don't hate anyone

b/ I doubt if any of the women on GWS wouls appreciate you referring to them as 'chicks'
I have nothing against Tracey (unless that is she happens to be one of those report monkeys) but she does often seem to go OTT.
I find it curious how much you hate feminists and Tracey and you are homosexual. Why this intense hatred of women?
Who's Tracey? And would you please put the toilet seat back down when you've finished in the bathroom.