Is Sarah Palin a bigger celebrity than Britney Spears and Paris Hilton?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
And doesn't McCain look stupid for complaining about Obama's celebrity status, and then picking an unknown and making her the world's biggest celebrity. Was it even his choice or Karl Rove's? How long before McCain has one of his infamous temper tantrums because Palin is taking attention away from him?
Define celebrity? Someone who gets attention by lots of people and gets on tv? Then they would all be celebrities right?
No McCain dosent look stupid for picking her , in fact it was a great move on his part!! Hey if anyone looks stupid is obama picking Biden, a person that you can search on the net and find out all the nasty things he has said about obama... Then Biden has the balls to accept the VP nomination... Proves to me its all about those two and not the American people

McCain/ Palin.. Ill go for a POW and a "hockey mom" any day!!!

added... I dont think that is a twitch, rather a "twinkle in her eyes" as she knows nobama is WHOOPED... *S*S
How could you possibly suggest that McCain make Palin the celebrity she's become? I've maintained since day one that the worst thing the LEFT could do to defuse Palin is ignore her.
I think she is.... her fans are rabid. Its like a cult and I think it is funny that so many people criticized Obama supporters for seeing him as the "Messiah" and that all those people "drank the kool aid."

And now Sarah Palin comes on the scene... she's been around for almost a month now and has only talked to People Magazine and Charlie Gibson... that she has only made the same speech for almost 20 times now in front of Republicans only. Hilarious.... hypocrisy is always funny. Who is drinking kool-aid now?

All this has told me is that the GOP was desperately looking for their own celebrity and were kind of jealous of Obama's popularity.
Palin is not a celebrity on any level compared to Spears or Hilton. She is in the media a lot now because, news flash, she is running for the Vice President of the United States of America. She is not a celebrity any more than the unibomber was a celebrity.
Yes, it was both McCain's and the Karl's "roving"

Can we get back to the ISSUES now, please?
i actually heard, from a very reliable informant, sarah palin will be dropping out of the race to make room for paris hilton. this is true, straight from the source. dont shoot the messenger folks.
Any how she's a false brunette when she says 'we will counter Russians by arms'. It's a world of "lager" not to offend my wife blond!
Yes, Karl Rove is the puppeteer once again and no, she's not a bigger celebrity than anyone. The Republicans could've put a ham sandwich in front of the micrpohone that night and gotten the same response since McCain is so deadly dull.
How dare you compare her to Paris Hilton! She actually has an ENERGY PLAN! She is also a very savvy business woman who made her own money. They called her an heiress but she did not inherit squat.

Never mind about Britney though she seems to be a neglectful mom....
Sarah Palin is not a bigger celebrity yet, but she would never get as much foreign experience as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. I am looking forward to see McCain loose his temper during the election.