Is Sarah Palin a bigger celebrity than Britney Spears and Paris Hilton?

McCain doesn't care just as long as he gets elected, Palin looks a little taller than Britney and Paris, but i think it's the heels.
No....not at all. After the election, even if they win, I don't think people will keep talking about her as much as now.
Palin is a helluva lot HOTTER and a MILLION percent classier!

I'd put Sarah Palin on a calendar long before I put on flat-chest, big nose Paris Hilton or psycho Spears up there.....
Palin is a fad. America will come back to their senses before November.
And to answer your question reg. McCain lashing out on Palin - I'll bet it has already happened!
She wasn't until she was chosen as McCain's running mate. At least with Palin, we don't have to worry about embarassing photos or videos, a la Spears or Hilton. Also, even though I believe looks are superficial, Palin is defintely better looking than Paris Hilton, and at least as pretty as Britney!