I feel very sad and depressed but I don't know why?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I just feel very sad but I have no reason.. my life is stressfull but I've been able to cope with it for a long time.

I'm usually very happy and cheery but for some reason today I'm not. I feel emotionally deep, if that makes sense.

Also, nothing seems to excite me. I'm usually all excited about anything, but not today.
that happens from time to time, especially when u start thinking about smthing stressfull, which can lead to smthing else, go out with friends that make u happy, do smthing fun and u'll see the difference
i feel the same

i feel that same some days i feel said and cry for no reason
the next day im all happy and excited

just hide behind the smile
Waking up to reality

I get what you mean..
It's hard.. I've felt like that for about 6 months now..
and it's hard.. I don't know why but one day all of a sudden
I started to feel bad.. totally not wanting to smile..(and if I do smile,
it's totally fake)
you know.. I was KNOWN for being the cutest happiest girl..
and now.. I feel so very empty and I'm guessing it's because
I'm starting to find myself.. finding what I want, cause I'm
not pleased with what I am.. probably struggling to be a better
person, probably realizing who's hiding behind this mask.

Since I started to get older, I started to be more aware of this
world that revolves around me, probably that could be happening to
you.. or just unhappiness for a few days, no big deal.

See you around..
I get depressed for no reason too sometimes. But i tend to just smile as best i can and help others feel better by making jokes, saying something silly, talking and what not when I'm with them. cause you never know, the other person your with anytime might be going through a lot more and keeping a composure . If their not, then great. they're a bit further away from where i am.

What i suggest is, if you haven't cried in a very long time. You should find something sad to read, think, listen to, and just cry your eyes out. it keeps you out of depression after the sadness is over for a while. It helped me when i was extremely depressed.

And the girl above me, if you were struggling to become a better person and you turned out like that, then you seriously screwed up somewhere. I'll explain why if asked but i won't right now.
it's really not that easy to just feel better. i dont want to do anything but lay around all the time. i dont want to see my friends, i dont do my school work, i dont care about anything anymore. its tough to just get out of bed. i make myself get up, and i dont tell people how i feel. i get really emotional about nothing, and all i do is just sit and stare. i dont want to tell anyone because itll turn into a big deal. everything is just a haze. if i told someone, i probably would feel better, but im not going to.
I am also depressed at school, a couple of weeks after I started I was crying everyday for no reason at all. And yesterday I was the happiest person in the world but now Just before I started watching Emmerdale one of the girls is being bullied and it made me really sad and now I just want to cry but i can't! :( :( im so depressed help me find a easy way to cry. thanks...
what kirkwood

I'm also feeling depressed. I feel like I don't really matter to any of my friends anymore. Worthless. Adults even laugh at me. Mock me. Not even my own parents...

I just feel sad. Lonely, afraid. I don't know. Sometimes I feel empty. I'll cry.
I feel like my friend doesn't really care about me anymore know that she has her boyfriend.
i understand how u all feel and i am truly sorry.I have been stressed my whole life, going through my parents divorce and other family issues. But i have always pulled through those hard times and come out on the other side fine.I am now in highschool and on my school's and town's soccer team, I am usually very cheerful, but i am now emotionally worst then ever.....i find my self sitting in the bathroom for hours listening to my shower hit the floor of the bathtub as i ponder on why my life is so shitty. if anyone has any advice please assist.
Sometimes.... Idk... I just feel sad and I have no reason for it. My life is great and nothing bad is going on that would make me feel like this. I think I might be clinically depressed but idk because I don't want to tell anyone about how I'm feeling... They'll just make it a big deal... Can anyone help?
I am feeling depress now too. It is not because of money or look. I have both. However, people around me are untrustworthy, pretty fake. We only have shallow and pretentious friendships. Even my family are like this. They only want smiley faces, no deep conversation, don't share...just smile and pretend. I am not in a relationship with anyone. It hard for me to fall in love. I have never been in love, and don't know why. I the happiest person most of time, but sometime I am down for no cause. There is a cause, I just don't see it...maybe...

life is still great through. The fact that I can feel like crap make me human. Let me know that I am alive. The next day will be great.
Dear friends, just think that things will get better. I usually play "Don't worry be happy." and it puts me in a cheery mood. Life is confusing and hard, but we need to give it our best. If you need help, request it. You know the saying: "Knock and the door will open." Good luck to you all.
it's ok...

im feeling like that right now..
it sucks doesn't it? :p
but it's weird
I was always so happy.
i think
the only way to get through it
is to just wait for tomorrow.
Im in the United States Air Force. im 19 years old. i have a girlfriend back in columbia missouri, and i love her with all my heart. but i am currently stationed overseas. she is still back home and the time difference and distance kills me inside. i cant stand not being around her. before i joined the military, i was a big partier. getting drunk and high almost every night. i joined because in my stupidity and popularity, i became addicted to cocaine. i knew i was going down the wrong path and i HAD to fix it for myself. i didnt want to end up a washed up druggie. so i joined the military. my girlfriend is still doing stuff i used to do however. although she was never addicted to cocaine, she is very addicted to pot which does not bother me at all except that she feels she needs it. However... today her older brother told me that she has been smoking crack recently... i confronted her about it and she denied it at first, and then came clean with me and admitted it. At first i was pissed. but now im just terribly depressed. i love her so much i would gladly marry her, but i have little money for that right now. im scared for her life, and at the same time i have so many stresses every day. i could never break up with her because the thought of life without her scares me. im at a complete loss of what to do and im feeling very suicidal. please someone try to help at all? i guess ill just check this page for replies or something every once in a while because im so lost right now.
my wierd ways

i sit and think all the time i am in my own world feel like not doing anything and everything that has happend to me seems like a nightmare but i try to stay positive i can't cry i get very upset easily and worried about nothing i used to be fun and cheer up ppl but now i cant even cheer myself up
i feel deppressed all of the time i have a shitty life family problems and i feel like i can't trust anyone. no one listens anymore and just thinks im being stupid but it's getting me that bad that i don't even see my friends no more and ive fell out with most of my family. just try your best and be strong.! x
torseave Relacian

when i read quran i feel soooooooo much better
just try it, it won't hurt
My life is stressful, I changed school for about 9 times since I was in kindergarten.
The reason being is that my mom like me to try new things but she doesn't know that
it is hard to cope with new situations...
My mom control of everything in the house, she think of things only on her side.
That's why she divorced my dad. Yesterday, I went to party with my bestfriend and then everytimes when i go out somewhere my mom will always let me call her on every single hour! and I forgot to call her for about 1 and a half hour and then she yelled at me so much. Today is my birthday and i'm supposed to be going out for a movie with my boyfriend but I can't anymore...
I do not understand why my mom is so strict to me, I'm a good girl, and also a straight A student I never do something bad... Why she still worry so much and be like this.
Unlike my other friends, I get to go out only about 5 times/year. What i meant by going out is like go out without her, only with friends...
I'm sick of my life, Study. Tutor. Ballet. Every single week... Ballet is fine cause I like it.
But I felt really stressed and depress, confuse, and lonely now...
I'm finding a way to stop this kind of feeling...
I have been clinically depressed for about 2 years. They pills they give me don't do shit. I can't eat, or sleep, or smile. It's impacting my life so much right now, because my girlfriend dosent understand, and frankly neither do I. ATM I'm recovering from bipolar, which makes matters worse. I can't tell anybody about it, because otherwise I feel like I am a burden, and everyone feels sad around me. But I think I'm getting better..