do bodybuilding supplements cause you to leak?


May 17, 2008
This isn't the right site for this but i'm not posting on any bodybuilding forums because of the banter lol but i take lots of supplements for bodybuilding test boosters anti-estrogen fat burners creatine i did take Halodrol (not for long though) anyway i was taking the others for awhile and apparently taking them for awhile causes your body to lose to much fat and it leaks out of your bum i've been leaking abit but it's definitely not poo
That's fucked up! But anyways just stick to the protein.. Nothing more, I have a few friends take a lot of supplements and well.. He can't get his dick up anymore.. Too much shit going Into your system is bad.. He has repticdisfunsion at the age of 19.. I'd advise you to chill the Fuck out!!
You are over stimulating your digestive system with all that crap you're taking - that doesn't do a bit of good. You're just blowing good money & hindering your health.