
  1. G

    Bodybuilding question?

    due to an injured forearm and wrist, i have to take about 3-4 weeks off from working out. There isnt a point in continuing my bulk now, so i was wondering if i should start cardio and start burning off some fat which ive wanted to lose for a while. So what do you guys suggest, should i start...
  2. P

    Bodybuilding and Lossing fat at the same time possible?

    Ok well I have recently started going to the gym, I in good shape already, but my goal is to become toned ripped and defined! So I was wondering since I'm bodybuilding shouldn't I be eating more? But at the same time I'm trying to get six pack abs, so I should be watching what I eat? So it...
  3. M

    Bodybuilding supplements online store name?

    I would like to get your suggestions for an online bodybuilding nutrition store i am planning to start off soon. I need something that is easy to remember and short, generic. Should also represent bodybuilding. I would also sell apparels and accessories. I NEED A NAME FOR MY OWN WEBSITE!
  4. J

    Bodybuilding: What to eat on friday and on showday (saturday)?

    I'm slowly upping my carbs and depleting water this week since my show is on saturday. On thursday my carbs will go up to about 150g and water will be around 1 gallon On friday, i am wondering how much grams of carbs i should be at and water intake On saturday, what do I eat before going up on...
  5. G

    How can i plan a bodybuilding diet?

    I already have a big lower body. Im trying to get a bigger chest, broader shoulders and bigger arms. What exercises would i need to do?
  6. D

    For bodybuilding should i go every day to gym or not ?

    I try to buid a body so i go to gym every day but somebody say me that don't go gym every day regularly..
  7. N

    having 2 back days bodybuilding?

    was just wondering if having two back day would be good, so first back day would be all verticle movements(pulldowns, pullups) and the second back day would be all rows(db rows, bb rows, tbar rows). does this sound like a good idea?
  8. B

    Bodybuilding question...?

    I'm worried that I will never get biceps like this guy (If that top link doesn't work try I read that you can only get so big without using steroids... I'm only 17 and I don't ever want to take...
  9. O

    What is the best age to start serious weight lifting or bodybuilding?

    I'm a junior in highschool and most of my friends have been working out already at the gym, I havent really work out and I have to start until I'm 18 because I'm taking a medication right now. is 18 or 19 a good age to start? or is it a little old?
  10. D

    which professions go best with bodybuilding?

    what are most suitable professions for bodybuilders?
  11. T

    Does bodybuilding stunted my growth ?

    Im busy with bodybuilding alot i workout 6 times a week for 2 hours. I have some perfect gains im 152 lbs 5'7 feet i can bench press 165 lbs three sets of 8 reps is this stunting my growth? I become 17 next month!
  12. N

    Bodybuilding Question!?

    Hello, I've been curious for a while and a little bored, so I'd like to know what would happen if: A person took a pair of twenty kg dumbbells and continuously lifted them, 24/7 non-stop for two weeks, eating three cucumbers a day. That's about it. :3 Once again, I'm just curious, and feel...
  13. L

    Bodybuilding nutrition, living in a car?

    So I left home and I'll be turning 18 in 2 months. I've been living in my car and I've been more happier with this independence and minimalist lifestyle than I've ever been while living at home. I can comfortably afford Car insurance, food, clothing, phone bill and a gym membership with my basic...
  14. L

    Bodybuilding nutrition, living in a car?

    So I left home and I'll be turning 18 in 2 months. I've been living in my car and I've been more happier with this independence and minimalist lifestyle than I've ever been while living at home. I can comfortably afford Car insurance, food, clothing, phone bill and a gym membership with my basic...
  15. A

    what age shouild you start bodybuilding?

    i am 15-155lb-5'9", and i'm starting to get interested in it but i am not sure on when or how to do it. a lot of people at my school started to take supplements, so like other people i experimented with it and started to take bigger and better product like (amplified creatine and c4) but i didnt...
  16. B

    bodybuilding should i drink protein shakes?

    i am going to start getting back into working out tomorrow do some p90x and use that for body building until i feel comfortable with my weight. however i am trying to lose about 50-60 pounds in fat or more and i was wondering should i drink protein shakes atm or just work out and drink them...
  17. H

    The new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding, LEVEL 1 WORKOUT HELP!?

    Okay hi so for those that have read the book i was wondering in the book the level 1 workout is workout 1: bench press, incline press, pullovers, chin ups, bent over rows. Workout 2: barbell clean and press, dumbell lateral raises, standing barbell curls, seated dumbell curls, close grip press...
  18. B

    Is their any bodybuilding contests in Ohio for 13 year olds?

    Hi, I'm looking for a bodybuilding contest that I want to enter in... Well because I'm built enough on my chest arms and abs (barely) and I want to compete sometime if I can... Please share ANY info with me. Also here is a picture of my chest, this is what I WANT to do...
  19. K

    how often is it ok to drink alcohol if you are bodybuilding?

    I rarely drink beer, but i like to drink liquor sometimes.
  20. M

    what is the best bodybuilding supplement for petite.?

    im a guy