Atheists, in the near future if a technology existed to completely replicate


May 21, 2008
your neurons? Would you willingly, allow your current body to be destroyed, to live in a new body? It would be an exact duplicate as you are now, every neuron in place but with a better body. Lets say several people had done it before you, and said nothing had changed.

Would you willingly let your body and brain be completely destroyed, and then let your brain be completely replicated in a new body.

Or do you think, there is a possibility there is more to you than the sum of your parts? Would you wait till the bitter end, just incase?
"Or do you think, there is a possibility there is more to you than the sum of your parts? Would you wait till the bitter end, just incase?"

Ah, there's the religious ignorance. There is no soul, but I would not choose to live forever.
if i didn't need it there wouldn't be a point to it, but if i did i wouldn't mind having the option.
I'm happy as I am, cherub. And, yes, of course I'm more than the sum of my parts - I'm the sum of my experiences, which has formed my unique personality.
Um. No. I would NOT do that. How do I know that that's just a complete replica and "I" won't be destroyed. Whatever. No. Or maybe there is no "I" but it still wouldn't be the same brain and everything. That would be totally creepy. No.
Yes, if I was severely damaged or old.

Of course there is more to people than the sum of their parts. However, the emergent aspects are the result of the sum of the parts and nothing more. So, if the replication were accurate, then no aspect would be missing.

In fact, you could make more than one copy.
I am not an atheist - but I would not.

Let's assume that this process could replicate and transfer my neurons, ok? That would be a copy of me because I would not be the same person. Have you ever watched Doctor Who? Actually, Stargate Sg-1 has a great example of this as well. The copies think that they are the real ones, but they are not.

"I" would not be transferred into the new body - a copy of me would. There is no telling whether or not "I" would wake up - but a copy of someone who shared the same memories as me would. They would think that they are me, but "I" would no longer exist - assuming that I died in the process.
Irrelevant. Even if an exact duplicate could be made it would not be me. When my consciousness was destroyed in the death of my original body it would not be magically transferred to another. You might as well ask if a clone is still us.
If my mind were transferred into a completely new (younger and healthier) body, it would not be the same mind. First there would be a lot of disorientation, and then I would become what my body was. I am more than the sum of my physical parts, but my mind has clearly been influenced by my physical facts of life for all these many years.
I would willingly undergo that procedure, if it was available. I would however do it when my current body is worn out and about to fail.

In fact, I am hoping for it, and when it is available, I shall mourn all those people you died before and could not be 'salvaged'.
Willing? Such technology would allow my self to be "recreated" multiple times. I could have an army of me!!!!
A thought experiment! Yay!

I think the process of dissecting my cells, cell by cell, might kill me.

But hell if it worked for others! I wouldn't believe them though, but assuming it had worked, and it was verified, then there's really no point to this.

A cell is a sum of amino acids and it is currently under research the construction of a single strand of RNA.

I can't say that my understanding of my own consciousness is necessarily an amalgam of parts, because not I, nor you, nor any human being comprehends what conciousness really is. However my consciousness must be formed by the chemical processes taking place in my brain and body at this moment.
Let's get real that won't happen humans will have destroy themselves before getting anywhere near this level.

If something can do that (Create you again) it's infinity and probabilities.
This is a very interesting question. My own bias is that science would be correct and that you would be you without any loss of so-called "soul".

You have also offered immortality. If such science in your hypothetical ever came to be, I am one hundred percent certain that would be the end of religion. No more fear of death. By that time it should also be assumed that humanity will have an excellent and exemplary set of moral values in place. After all, the paradigm has to shift some time.