
  1. B

    Is it possible to replicate symptoms of certain illness using chemicals... in sci-fi movies? to induce symptoms such as fake temporary inflammation or fake fever using chemical
  2. G

    When renovating a heritage building, is it necessary to replicate its...

    ...architectural style? is it absolutely essential to recreate the architectural style during its design epoch? why? Can you add design elements to the building from a different era?
  3. A

    Is it just me or does One Piece replicate a few characters after Rock Stars?

    I've been watching one piece and it seems that some of the characters resemble Rock Stars (Jango looks like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith and Brook largely resembles Slash from Guns N Roses) Was this intentional or coincidence?
  4. J

    Atheists, in the near future if a technology existed to completely replicate

    your neurons? Would you willingly, allow your current body to be destroyed, to live in a new body? It would be an exact duplicate as you are now, every neuron in place but with a better body. Lets say several people had done it before you, and said nothing had changed. Would you willingly let...
  5. A

    How can I replicate the packs of seasoning that come in pasta and rice side dishes?

    We like to bulk purchase whole grain pasta and brown rice b/c it is cheap and b/c it is healthier than bleached white pasta or rice. We also really like the pasta and rice side dishes that sell for about a dollar each, but they all come with bleached white pastas or rice, which we then trow...