Will my Audio degrade if I use these? Home Theater question?


May 20, 2008
My RCA audio cables are short so i used some extensions to reach my Line In on my computer sound board. I am not sure, but will there a difference in quality between these methods?:

Method #1
http://www.flickr.com/photos/35499154@N08/3403141904/ (these connect to my video game's RCA cables)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/35499154@N08/3402333711/ (I use this piece to make the 3.5mm jack extend to the computer sound board)

Method #2

Will there be any difference in quality? Will one method make the sound quality sound better than the other?
during college I did the same thing, for some reason I was getting ground noise a lot so I used your 2nd method after trying the first one out and it worked a lot better. I still got a hum but if sound was on it was good. I also had a 7.1 surround creative setup, but I used belkin cords almost exactly like that and I still use them today in my theater setup for my ipod. I think you cant go wrong with your second method.