Will I be up all night? I had a bed time snack of grapes ?


May 16, 2008
This is what i have eaten today

I woke up at 12 15 haha and ate an apple then like two hours later i had turkey on 1 peice of wheat bread then i had another slice of turkey then i went to my dads and he was getting all mad about my eating habbits ughh, then he was trying to make drink this hugeee glass of milk and i did gayy but then when i got home i had another benderwith more turkey and a few extra slices of turkey

then i went to the gym and i burned around 300 calories and i just felt so weak, ive lost a lot of muscle and i hate it, im just scared of gaining all my fat and weight back if i start eating regularly again,

when i got home i took a shower and around 9 15 i had 2 big bowls of cereal, and then i felt like i wanted some more to eat because i was just thinking about being more healthy so i had a bowl of grapes around 10 30 so now i know to eat more meals tomorrow so im not as weak feeling while doing the eliptical and stuff

so my question is, is it alright to eat what i had before bed?
like the grapes?
should i be fine?