Why is the term "Judaism" and not "Jewianity"?

Cute question.

Probably has to do with the languages of the time. Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic.
You must be USian ;)

It was originally the Tribes of Judah.
If you'll notice 'Jew' is an abbreviation of 'Judah'...
Mmmm... maybe you aren't capable of noticing the obvious.

And just to take the edge off...

The Israeli Prime Minister is sitting down with Yasser Arafat to try to work out an agreement.
The Prime Minister asks if he might first tell a story. Arafat tells him to go ahead.

"When Moses was in the desert for forty years the Jews got very thirsty and Moses asked the Lord for water and there appeared a beautiful lake. The Jews first drank and then bathed themselves. Moses did the same but when he came out of the water his clothes were gone."
Moses shouted, "Where are my clothes? Who took them??"
The Jews answered, 'The Palestinians took them.'

Arafat quickly objected, "There were no Palestinians at that time!"

The Prime Minister looked at Arafat and said, "Now we can begin to negotiate."
I grew up in a jewish neighborhood. All my firends were jewish. I didn't know any other word but "Jew" but my best friend told me that some Jews didn't like being called Jews. So I called them Jewwies. Then I was told that was even more offensive.... so I started calling them big nose but that didn't fly either. My friend actually punched me for that one....

So I just call them "friends" now. :)