Why is PETA mad about Sarah Palin caribou hunting?


Mar 4, 2008
One of the caribou's functions in the ecosystem is to feed predators. I am assuming PETA is OK with wolves hunting caribou. They only seem to get upset when humans kill them, especially if they appear to be enjoying themselves. Do you think the caribou cares if the predator is a human or a pack of wolves? If you were a caribou would you rather die instantly from a bullet (assuming Sarah is a good marksman) or would you rather get brought down by a pack of wolves? I think if the PETA crazies are honest with themselves they will admit that it is not the caribou's death that bothers them, it is that somebody is having a good time doing something they don't like. It is not enough for them to refrain from hunting, they want to suck the fun from everybody else's life too.