
  1. A

    Video: Joaquin Phoenix Weirdly Simulates Drowning In New PETA Ad

    Joaquin Phoenix, known weird dude, appears in a visceral new PETA ad to try and convince people to go vegan. More » Video: Joaquin Phoenix Weirdly Simulates Drowning In New PETA Ad is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news...
  2. A

    Katie Holmes Is Using Anti Aging Snail Cream (Cue PETA Outrage)

    Snail cream--i.e. face cream made with snail slime--has been a popular acne treatment and anti wrinkle cream in Korea and Africa for awhile, but thanks to celebrities like Katie Holmes, it could become a new skin care fad in the U.S. soon, too. According to Look magazine, Holmes uses snail cream...
  3. A

    For Real? Alicia Silverstone, PETA Ask Putin To Let Pussy Riot Member Eat Vegan

    When I first brought up this story, one of the other writers here said: "I kind of love Alicia Silverstone. She just does her, you know?" That's for sure. And right now, 'doing her' means writing a letter urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow Russian punk/feminist band Pussy Riot to...
  4. A

    PETA Sends Lettuce Clad Vegan Temptresses Around The World

    The point of this post is to point out the ongoing weirdness that is PETA. In Toronto, lettuce-clad PETA temptresses*will take to city hall, where the mayor is for some reason participating in a public weigh-in. Yes, that's weird. But weirder yet: It is only a blip in Lettuce Lady history. Ahem...
  5. A

    Planned Parenthood Rejects Money From Tucker Max; PETA Says They’ll Take It

    Was Planned Parenthood right to reject a $500,000 contribution from renowned misogynist ass Tucker Max? On the one side: It's a contribution from a renowned misogynist ass, and it came with conditions like naming an abortion clinic after him. But*Planned Parenthood of Texas, where Max tried to...
  6. G

    Week in Review: Hunger Games Stars Battle Racism, Khloé Quits PETA for Kim, Miley & L

    Week in Review: Hunger Games Stars Battle Racism, Khloé Quits PETA for Kim, Miley & L After a week like the last one, you just gotta pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Right, Kim? Luckily, there was plenty of all new news to relish this week in addition to...
  7. A

    PETA Wants Michelin Guides To Stop Promoting Restaurants That Serve ‘Tortured Animals

    On a quest to ban the promotion of restaurants that serve tortured animals, PETA is calling on the well-known restaurant rating manual, Michelin Guides, to request that they stop awarding stars to restaurants that serve foie gras or shark fin soup. Just hearing about the abuse these animals go...
  8. A

    PETA: Unethically Using Women For Ethical Treatment Of Animals

    Over the weekend, a Blisstree reader, Jacqueline Joan, made a compelling request that we revoke our support for PETA, based on our usage of a PETA photo in a gift guide featuring vegan wool alternatives. She called for other readers to help her in voicing concerns over PETA's sexist ads, which...
  9. P

    what are some of the dumbest things peta has whined about/done?

    i know that they b--ched about the cartoony video game "super meat boy" because the main character was a cube of meat. even thought he was just a boy without skin rather than animal meat. and i know they whined to sesame street because sesame street showed chickens laying eggs naturally which...
  10. F

    Did you know PETA is complaining about the tanuki suit in the mario series?

    I think they are around 26 or so years too late. But what do you expect from insane attention seekers?
  11. A

    PETA disapproves of Darnell Dockett’s new [supposed] gator buy

    You may remember our post a few days ago about the small alligator purchased by Arizona Cardinals defensive tackle Darnell Dockett. Dockett bought the croc on a recent trip to Florida, and named him "Nino," according to his Twitter account. At least, that's what Dockett put out there...
  12. I

    I just killed and ate a zebra, are you going to whine to PETA about it?

    I speared it in the neck, cut its head off, drank its blood and did a victory dance...I also got a lovely headdress out of it to which I afixed the feathers of several unfortunate birds like chicken
  13. C

    Why is PETA mad about Sarah Palin caribou hunting?

    One of the caribou's functions in the ecosystem is to feed predators. I am assuming PETA is OK with wolves hunting caribou. They only seem to get upset when humans kill them, especially if they appear to be enjoying themselves. Do you think the caribou cares if the predator is a human or a pack...
  14. M

    someone has just called me a 'peta nazi'.. how do I complain?

    I answered a question about someone wanting to suprise her boyfriend with a puppy. I did the usual thing and told her that puppies aren't teddy bears that are cute, but you can then put away when bored.. well, words to that effect (look it up for the whole thing).. anyway, she has added to her...
  15. K

    Which celebrities have posed on PETA ads?

    I need a list of celebrities that have posed/taken part in a PETA commercial (preferably televsion commerical)?
  16. K

    Which celebrities have posed on PETA ads?

    I need a list of celebrities that have posed/taken part in a PETA commercial (preferably televsion commerical)?
  17. J

    A five year old shot an 800 pound alligator. Who will complain more, PETA...

    ...or Americans for Gun Safety?,2933,559103,00.html?test=latestnews
  18. A

    Question for Vegetarian,Vegans people for Peta and people against Peta?

    Ok so I am a vegan if you are a meat eater do you dislike vegans or vegetarians because they prefer not to eat meat? Or any other reasons? What are your thoughts on Peta are you for or against? I am for and I have talked to people that say Peta are trying to take over are minds. How I don't...
  19. silent_kayos

    Has PETA's 2008 Annual Report been released? can I view it online?

    Do you know where? I can't even find the 2007 and I need it for a debate =/
  20. B

    Why wont PETA respond to my letter on my Cats CRIMINAL activity?

    Wow, you're really bored aren't you? You should be paying attention in class, not goofing around on Yahoo! Answers.