Why Don't People Criticize Judaism?


New member
May 24, 2011
Why don't people criticize Judaism like they do Christianity or Islam? The notion that Jews are ethnically special is obvious bullshit. Their religion and their race are both derivative (though innovated upon) from Cannanite and Bedouin neighbours and the dominant Mesopotamians and Persian empires in the region. They're not any more original or even monotheistic than anyone else (not that monotheism isn't nonsense just like polytheism). Their dietary laws and commandments are a bunch of incoherent iron age nonsense and tribal elitism just like anyone else. Why don't Jews get called out for their stupid, unscientific beliefs, totally bogus history and ethnic elitism?
You don't see Jews flying planes into buildings? Ever heard of 'Israel'? The largest terrorist organization in the world after the United States.

And 'most Jews are atheist'? Please. Jew is either a religion or an ethnicity. You can't have it both ways.

I am sick of Jews pretending they're special and everyone kow-towing to it. It's pathetic.
You people suck at answers. You're idiots.
It is not their belief but their behavior that is a problem. They have
lot of money, they have fooled many empires took advantage and
left them to lurch in darkness. Germany, Britain and now USA.
I think the global leadership will now shift to Israel. because the
money lenders of Switzerland have all gold, diamonds and iridium
in the world to bring a new currency in place of dollar. So they can
laugh at rest of the world.

And since 96.7% world media belongs to 6 Jewish companies,
nobody dare write a single line against them. So I think you are
wasting you time except for lessening burden on your nerves.

M J Iqbal
No religion gets beat on like Christianity in this section. Nothing comes close. There are a lot less Jews out there and also Jews consistently give great answers. That's why so many people hate arguing with them.

By the way, Jews get criticized all the time.

edit: So Israel is the largest terrorist organization after the United States. Wow! The U.S. sure does horrible things, like sending more money to Middle Eastern nations than anybody. How evil!

I've learned that people hate my answers if they directly contradict their opinions. Logic is the enemy of so many humans.
They aren't annoying as Christians. or Muslims.I don't think they try to convert you like Muslims or Christians.Most of them are no nonsense people and don't rarely ask questions., plus they're aren't many of them to begin with.Why are you so mad at them?They get criticized to but they aren't dumb enough to go in senseless debates.

I believe Jewish is an ethnicity and also a religion.
Dude, all that you have said here is that you hate Jews, you haven't even asked a real question, just outlined why you hate Jews.. Then you have said that everyone who disagrees with you and given you reasons are idiots.

so all that you have laid out is you are an antisemite, and everyone who isn't is an idiot. Do you feel this way about everyone who disagrees with you? Is everyone who has a differing opinion to you an idiot? I hope you didn't learn this from your parents?
So much hate from such a small mind

If you are reflective of the youth of today, the world is in a very bad place
They have never tried to push religion on me, so i have no problem with them... yet.
How could you expect Christians to criticize them? They think they're God's chosen people! This goes against all the teachings of religion. All men are equal and Christians have turned Christianity into a joke.