Why does my cat insist on licking everyone she meets?


New member
Dec 10, 2010
My adorable adorable cat insists on washing every human she meets.

Why might this be?

She tends to start with people's hands and for some people she stops there. For others, like my brother who met her for the first time this week, she insists on then washing their faces (she aims for the mouth and loves lips if people allow her!).

I get woken up by her trying to wash my face every morning and if I try to move her away she just becomes more persistent- sometimes I pull the duvet up over my face so then she will just try to wash my hair or even the duvet.

She's a rescue persian. Very needy in many ways... she was neglected by her previous owners so I would have thought she'd be nervous of humans but she isn't in the slightest.

I love her!
Yep- she's spayed... although because of abnormal growth her organs were 'oddly placed' so she was never fertile!

Sometimes I'd agree that it's salt but she will also do this when I'm straight out of the shower.
She does have a companion- and he gets an awful lot of grooming from her too- he will hit her away after about 5 minutes though... but she likes to sneak up on him when he's asleep and so sometimes she gets to wash him for longer!
Cats lick people mainly because of the salts in human's skin, which they seem to enjoy (as far as I'm aware anyway). So your cat clearly just loves the salty taste of your hands and face!
well if the cat was neglected by her previous owner and then you cared for her, she would be grateful and/or she might be trying to show affection. also humans have a type of salt on our skin and some animals like that. i had a pet Rat and Rabbit and they did the same thing. dogs also do it.