
  1. V

    Eyeball Licking is Great, Maybe Dangerous

    [No message]
  2. S

    What would you do if your kid was punished at school by licking the table... clean it? What I'm about to say is very true ... I know of a family who sends their kids to a very strict private Christian school. One of the kids was punished at school because he was talking during lunch. The punishment for this poor kid was to clean the lunch table by licking it. It...
  3. G

    What Was Vanessa Hudgens Licking Off Her Fingers at Coachella?

    Vanessa Hudgens probably had a pretty great time partying this weekend—but not because she was partying too hard! The Sucker Punch star, who hasn't always had the best luck...
  4. C

    My dog keeps licking his butt?

    My 1 year old shiba keeps licking at his butt hole! I know it sounds kinda weird but at first I thought he was just chasing his tail, but the whole time he was trying to get to hie butt whole and once he did, he hasn't non-stop licking his butt for the last hour! IM worried it will last longer...
  5. R

    Why does my cat insist on licking everyone she meets?

    My adorable adorable cat insists on washing every human she meets. Why might this be? She tends to start with people's hands and for some people she stops there. For others, like my brother who met her for the first time this week, she insists on then washing their faces (she aims for the...
  6. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  7. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  8. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  9. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  10. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  11. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  12. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  13. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  14. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  15. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  16. Z

    Where did the orgin of licking the inside of an envelope come from?

    Its quite an interesting thought. having a little strip on the inside that has to be licked and presto its sealed.
  17. A

    Dog still licking itself after vet.?

    Good day Basically, we hired dog cleaning services to cut hair and bath them. After one week one of our golden retrievers started licking and scratching herself. It is summer and flies were coming on her ear , I keep her inside now but if I leave her outside for the day then flies will go on her...
  18. B

    My dog keeps licking and biting his arm red. Help!?

    This just started two days ago, my dog started twitch his arm and shaking (curling and kicking) like it was itching or had fleas. We watch and now its at the point where he curls and kicks it ever couple of minutes. he is licking and biting his arm red. He hasn't pierced the skin yet, but i am...
  19. S

    What is a good way to get my dog to stop licking all the time?

    I have a three year old boxer-pit bull pix (neutered). He is a sweetheart but he is a constant licker. Whenever I (or anyone else) tries to pet him, he just licks and licks. Is there a good way to get him to stop?
  20. M

    Could I have gotten something from licking his fingers?

    He had no cuts what so ever and his hands were dry....