Why do you seem to enjoy arguing religion?


Feb 24, 2008
If people are so offended by God or find the idea so preposterous, then why do you waste so much time arguing about it. Why not just ignore it?

If I truly thought people were that unreasonable I wouldn't waste my time or energy trying to reason with or insult them. That only works with an intelligent person.
Honestly just posing a question. Sorry, I did not mean to come across as bothered.
I'm mostly here because I'm curious about what other people want to know about. Sometimes I engage in the 'arguing.' Most of the time I acknowledge that it is of no use, but every once in a while, someone will even formulate an argument that enlightens me or at least makes me think for a minute.
You just wasted time and energy. Most people are on here to make their points, not to get or give REAL answers. Most times it seems like a huge endless battle.

I come here because some people make some interesting points and I learn knew things everyday.
I'm not offended ... just engaged.

Although I'm a non-believer, I find the subject of religion to be fascinating and it engages me. I find that a middle ground of beliefs engage me more than any other. Really bizarre (like scientology) I dismiss, really rational (like Confucianism) I dismiss ... but right in the middle I enjoy debate. Because it's not ridiculous, and it's not rational ... like a bowl of porridge, it's just right.
Some people naturally enjoy arguing and religion (along with politics) is one of the two topics that cause the most arguments. Sometimes people might want to try and force their opinion on the opposing factor but I do not see why you are upset with this. Personally, I like to grab some popcorn and watch the fights because they are really, and I mean really entertaining. Good luck!
Some people wil argue anything anything. Religion intimidates a lot of people and they don't know how to handle the subject, this includes Christians. To bad, Jesus came to give us a free, eternal, loving relationship, and we turned it into a taboo venture to get involved in, let alone mention. But for me I will follow Christ where ever He goes.
You are so naive.
Why do you think people are anti-choice and/or anti-birth control? Why do you think there are people who want to make it LAW that people of a certain sexual identity can't get married, a social custom that many religious seem to be unaware is NOT solely their tradition...
Why do you think people want to have THEIR religion shoved in my kids face at public schol?

It's a good thing we exist to get you people to think straight b/c gawd knows you don't on your own.
I wouldn't be 'so offended' if your kind could keep it to themselves.
why do the religious always talk about how there right just like every other religion but they have no more proof than any of them or even Evolution but yet were the fools 0.o makes sense we use logic and reasoning and science you use magic fairy lands in the sky and hell under ground... im sorry that i have reasoning skills :D... if im wrong and you are right about your religion then ill see you in hell because if you were a true christian you wouldn't be on hear asking questions like this :D
What do you not understand about this being an open forum?

Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!

But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD christians which causes all GOOD christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
What do you not understand about this being an open forum?

Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!

But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD christians which causes all GOOD christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
If women weren't meant to be s!uts, Eve wouldn't have slept with the first guy she met
Honestly, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but they have no lives. This is literally what they do with their time. They honestly don't have anything else to do. Pushing all your problems on religions is an easy way to relieve frustrations, especially for people without many friends, family, hobbies, etc. This is kind of like therapy for them, but in an unhealthy way.
What do you not understand about this being an open forum?

Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!

But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD christians which causes all GOOD christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!
I see what u mean. Those people don't care about an answer they just want to argue and if they know you have a religion they will use that as the topic. Just remember ''when you argue with a fool, people only see two fools arguing.''
Well, I suppose I'll just go back to arguing about camera angles then since I live for your approval.