Why do we eat meat?

Actually, all of that is actually moot...I love eating meat and do not plan to stop. You (or whomever) do not like eating meat and do not plan to do so. Great for all and lets move on. Meat eating has been going on for centuries...even within remote tribes who have not been exposed to advertising. I would think that vegetarianism is actually a more modern fadish type of behaviour, but I could be wrong and in any case it matters not..it is a choice.

I promise not to eat any animals you own, and you do not eat any of my plants and we will all be happy....
i was an big meat-eater and i turned to vegetarianism since i want to be a registered dietician & thought that if i were to ever get a vegetarian patient, i would better assess their needs ... i've been a vegetarian for about 3 months ... its a temporary thing & honestly i love it!! i feel healthier and more motivated to take action to live a healthier lifestyle =) even though i will be back to eating meat once my finals are over (my own deadline) ... i'm considering to be a vegetarian for now on, and eat meat only on special occassions, its weird i know ... but its a better life style for this girl!! i feel love fruits & vegetables what can i say!! 5 a day peoples
UpDown, what do your nutrition and diet classes say about eating meat? How hard has it been to stay on your vegetarian diet? Are you full vegan, or are you some combination of animal products but no meat? I found it very difficult to be total Vegan, it requires anal-retentiveness that I don't possess!

I have been eating 5 meals a day for about 4 years now, ever since I was a personal trainer. It made a huge difference back then, and I will never stop doing it!!
I agree about the difficulty of being vegan. It is much easier, however, if you can remain at ease about your diet and not sweat the small stuff. For instance, if you are out at a restaurant and order a pasta marinara dish, and it arrives with mozarella cheese melted on the top, don't worry about it (unless you're lactose intolerant).

At home, I am pretty much vegan since I don't buy any kind of dairy products. That is not to say everything I buy is totally 100% vegan, but I do my best. When I eat out, I don't worry about a little cheese here and there. It's hard to avoid, especially when going for convenience food. I'm not 100% vegan, but pretty close. That's good enough for me.
i don't think i can do the vegan thing ... high five for u though for doing it!! i love cheese too much ... hehe ... but i'm the type of vegetarian that still eats seafood ... but not often. i would do the full on vegetarian thing but i can't give up the sushi!! meat is a source of protein ... but its the way u cook it and the quanity u eat ... your stomach expands to accomodate the amount of meat you're eating and if u do eat a lot of meat added with a lot of fat & sodium ur not doing ur body a favor by giving it way too much food that it has to go into overdrive to digest. meat like eating anything should be taken in moderation ... as a vegetarian, i need my source of protein so i eat the fish or i go to the supermarket and buy this soy protein drink or go to like juice it up and get a smoothie with a vita boost & soy protein boost ... everyone needs protein, it helps with ur hair, fingernails & etc ... but don't have too much (well with me ... i'll gain weight that way) ... the amount of protein u consume should depend onur body weight/height/health **see a dietitian for info**

oh the five a day thing was referring to "5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day" ... its a nutrional slogan, most cities have a 5 a day program where they try to improve school lunches to improve student nutrition.

good luck with being a vegan ... it is hard especially if the temptation is there ... but i think if ur body is enjoying it stick with it ... mind over body!!

since ur a personal trainer u can help me!! hehe ... i have a hard time trying to tone my body, keep it toned, and trying to firm up my stomach. i like the cardio aspect ... and i try to exercise everyday ... is that bad?? if u lived by me u can be my personal trainer!! lol
The Vegetarian Society in the UK is trying to get government to agree on standardising labelling so we know what we are getting. I think it was around 75% of vegetarians have been offered FISH as a vegetarian dish. We veggies don't help ourselves much - remember Uri Geller the famous 'veggie' eating insects on 'I'm a Celebrity' - no TRU veggie would ever do that but it gave amunition to iother to claim we are all fakes..
In my definitions...:
Vegetarians don't eat meat or fish, vegans don't eat dairy either. Is that too hard for food manufacturers to agree on?

In India I came across a 'vegetarian' Hindu who ate meat once a month because his mum told him he would die without it! In Singapore I was served 'vegetarian ginseng soup' to sure a cough - with fish heads floating in it!

Ranking as one of the most embarrassing moments in my life was bringing Indian students to the UK. The local county council hosted a buffet for them. Many of them were Jain with strict religious prohibitions including a vegan diet as they have a TOTAL commitment to harming no living being. What were they served? TUNA sandwiches! Nobody at the County Council could understand how huge a gaffe this was - efectively condemning these kids' souls to hell in their religion.

I'm a Buddhist and have come across plenty of hypocrisy in that faith also. To me, nothing should die to feed me and that means no meat or fish etc. To others, they fudge it - the animal was killed FOR OTHERS and I just happened to be in their house when I ate the meat they had prepared. There's no need to argue about the right or wrong of killing to eat - we each need to choose.

But it's sure as hell time to agree what these terms mean as international definitions...
UpDown, I am no longer a vegan. I have a 9 year old son, and I believe in letting him make up his own mind about food, I just let him know some facts and ideas. So, we eat a wide range of food, and chicken seems to be in there quite a bit. I eat red meat rarely, maybe once a month, but I put no restriction on fish (they are aliens!! ). I eat sushi several times a month, and cheese finds its way on alot of my "vegetarian" meals. The main reason I stay away from meat (mostly red meat) is because of the health aspect. I feel so much better when I don't eat it, but I don't let it rule my life. If I am out and there is nothing else, or if someone buys me something (people forget my eating habits all the time), then I will eat it and not think about it.

I don't train people anymore, I only teach at my Dojang (school) . Lift a little bit of weights, about 3 times a week, and do cardio some, as well. On my normal routine, I work out 6 days a week for about 2 hours a day, but not always at high intensity. The longer you work out, the less intense it should be. Most people think that it is cardio that helps you lose weight, but I have found it to be true in almost all cases that lifting weights is better. Cardio gives you a short boost in metabolism, that helps you burn extra calories when not working out, but a proper weight lifting session can keep your metabolism high for up to 8 hours later. If you need more info, PM me anytime!