Why do Atheists argue about the existence of God?


May 13, 2008
Atheist think that theists (Christians in particular), suffer from delusions and are crazy. Yet they will argue passionately with Christians about the existence of God.

I am sure that there is someone out there that believe in UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, and so on. I think they are being silly. However I will never hold a conversation that lasts for more than about 5 seconds about the existence of ghosts, or UFOs.

So why do Atheist bother? Do they think that they are doing anyone a favor by insulting them? Do they think there is some good that will come of it?

I personally think that there is no such thing as an Atheist. I think there is only people that love God and people that hate God.

Atheist hate God so much, the convince themselves that he doesn't exist.

What do you think?
That's the great thing about America... you can think whatever you want. BTW, it's the hard-core religious zealots who usually start the arguments.

When was the last time an atheist knocked on your door at dinner time, handing out magazines?
No, I disagree.

I take exception to religion because it affects my life. Laws get passed in accordance with some people's religious beliefs. In some states, it's illegal to buy or sell liquor on a Sunday. Somehow I doubt that law was proposed by a local secular humanist group. Religion leads to things like Proposition 8. Religion affects me whether I like it or not, and usually, I like it not.

So, whenever those religious people are ready to stop making their religious beliefs into laws, I'll be ready to stop arguing about religion.

If the UFO people started passing laws to mandate the wearing of tin foil hats, I'd be arguing with them more often.
I am COMPLETELY open to the idea of God... I wish there was one.... it would be cool... but I am an "atheist" by definition, because I have seen NO evidence of Gods existence... or bigfoots or ghosts, or UFOs and so on... I think the world would be a richer, fuller, more interesting place with tooth fairies and Santas and Gods and Unicorns.... but scientifically speaking, I cant support their existence.... I dont love or hate God... but I do like the idea.
I think you hit the nail on the head! There are people who hate God and reject His Son, Jesus Christ, and there are people who love God, and believe in Jesus as their personal Savior.
Because its entertaining.

Also, I can't hate something that does not exist.
You are wrong. Atheists don't believe in God because there is no empirical evidence.

We have a grand commission to promote logic and reality.
When religious believers will stop blocking sex education, abortion, AIDS prevention programs, medical research, and promote tolerance of minorities,
then yes, atheists will stop pointing out they are acting stupidly based on childish ideas.

Until then...out of respect for your brains and your potential, we`ll still argue, in the hope you might wake up.
To them, we're crazy conservative modest psychopaths.
To me, most people (including some Christians) need to stfu.

I asked this question a while ago and got called a 'whiney little b*tch' for not being able to handle it. -facepalm-

To miss 'Lexis: Compare the tooth fairy with the big bang theory. Both are completely ridiculous. Tell you what. I'm going to take some hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and anything else I can find, put it in a bag, shake it heat and whatnot, and grow my own mini universe!
why do theists get so damn forceful about there believes.. i know why because everyone whats to feel smart, important and insightful the only people who can honestly conceive that they may be wrong is people who have common sense and thats why im agnostic
I see a lot of Christians of various types going door to door trying to convert, save, or show me the errors of my ways. I have never had an atheist come to my door trying to do anything. In fact on the Christians who are trying to convert, save, or show me the light wear clothes thea are almost uniform-like. You say you believe in G-d and that atheists believe in G-d but hate him. How do you know the thinking of other human beings? Why do you generalize. I find religion or lack of religion very rarely comes up in conversation, except when proselytizing Christians are trying to gain a foothold in my life.
well wouldn't you argue the belief of god with them. possibly in hopes of turning them over to the belief of god. but you would be insulting them right back. an if you think about it ghost an angels are the same thing cuz the dead are gonna rise when god comes back so no one goes to heaven or hell just yet. so our family members an friends can not be angels an the only way they watch over us is if they are ghost,unless of course you just believe that the bodies stay in the ground an the spirit stay's in them. but if a body can be possessed their are certainly ghost.but i'm sure atheists wonder the same thing why do we bother trying to explain god too everyone. if there are no atheist how do you explain it.they 'hate' ,as you put it,not only god an jesus but satan an every other god you can think of.but it says in the bible do not judge least you be judged yourself.