Why are world leaders and atheists whining about a solution to the economic crisis...


New member
Mar 2, 2009
...when the solution is clear? all that has to be done is to extort/rob companies earnings by half for a couple of years and we'll all be back on track. Isn't it darlings?
So your solution is stealing and robbing... OK...
I thought that was part of the problem.
Start taxing churches and the US will pull out of its financial problems quickly. Why should a church reap the benefit of publicly funded roads as well as police and fire protection without contributing to those benefits?
lol how about we just take half of your money see how you feel, and our excuse is because the country needs it
Perhaps simply legalising and taxing whatever drug you were on when you typed this would be a better idea.
Everything could be solved by taxing imports 100% and dropping gas back down to a dollar a gallon. But I'm not holding my breath because most of us know its goin to get a lot worse b4 it gets better.
Yes. Those. Poor. Executives. Are. Taxed. So. Much. Some. Of. Them. Can. Only. Afford. One. Private. Jet.

Poor babies!
There are some controversial ways to solve the nations' problems but the world leaders don't seem to want to do it. I have always been a controversial person so if i was in charge I'd be doing controversial things all the time
Tax the rich people more, because they can afford it. Robin Hood had the right idea-proud to be from Nottingham!