where should i leave my dog when i go on vacation?


May 16, 2008
Ok so, I'm leaving for vacation in less than 2 months. I'm going to the east coast. Its a school trip by the way. The problem is my dog. I have a brother who can take care of him, but he has a lot of flaws. For starters he never locks the door when he leaves. He's always out with his friends and my dog will be lonely and sad, and he's always yelling at my dog REALLY loudly (he has really bad anger problems...). I just can't leave him with my brother :(. It will break my heart truly, I'll cry every second knowing my dog is unhappy. I want to take him to a doggie hotel or someplace else, but my parents want my brother to take care of him, but i already told you everything that will happen. And since my brother doesn't lock the door, who knows somebody could steal my dog! Please help me :(
As i said before, its not my decision to make to send my dog to a doggie hotel, I'm only 14. My parents make the decisions. And they think its OK to leave him with my brother, but i can assure you its not. No matter how much I tell them its a bad idea, they don't think it is.
You can give him to a doggie hotel, or find a friend who can take care of him for 2 months. Good luck!
well some vets (or atleast mines) have a boarding service were people going om vacations can keep there dog, they feed them twice a day and gibe them walks everyday. But it could be like $50 a night and since your only 14 (just like me) I doubt your parents would agree to that. But its a thought!
Awww, I'm sorry. I personally take our dog everywhere we can, but there ARE times you cant..and they suck! lol

If you don't trust your brother with him, do you have a friend, maybe another family member? If all else fails, maybe a doggie overnight daycare type of thing....however, I'd use that as a last resort. make sure, wherever you leave him, that you leave him with his favorite toys, plenty of food, and treats. Call when you can and talk to him, yes I'm serious...hearing your voice will be soothing for him. Good luck!