When to take gym supplements?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I recently purchased. L-Glutamine Tabs, BCAA tabs, Creatine, 100% Whey Protein, Multi-Vitamins

I follow Lazar Angelov's gym routines & his eating advice, supplements etc.


He takes a Multivitamin in the morning,
A whey protein shake in the morning, before and after a workout and before bed
5-10g of BCAA & Glutamine tabs before and after a workout (HOW MUCH IS THAT IN TABLETS?)
He doesn't take Creatine but i want to start taking it, when would be the best time? I've been told the night before your workout, 20-30min before and after a workout? CONFUSED.COM - please help on that

He also takes 20-30g of Protein every 3 hours, which i currently do?
dude first thing that we should dont take supplements as all supplements have side effects u can take it if u have joint gym 1 yrs and take supplement time to time or it will give u side effect
money pit.
all you need is a strong workout routine
and eat healthy with lots of carbs and protein from white meat chicken.
restrict yourself of to much salt and drink lots of water..
all of this helps with the regeneration of muscle.

if you MUST take anything then just take a multivitamin like you have been doing.
To be honest I think that a lot of supplements are unnecessary. There is one golden rule to follow if you are trying to gain muscle and that is take in 20-30 grams of protein straight after a work out. Other than that eat healthy and the right number of calories for your aims i.e. weight gain more calories than you burn, weight loss less.

All the rest is just companies trying to make a dollar off people
sounds like ur serious about it so in your case, i'd take it anytime after your workout before 5pm (must go to bed with an empty stomach). since ur serious then im sure you do some heavy lifting or long periods of cardio so you dont want to puke all that up or even having that feeling of 'about to puke' slow your reps down.