when i was young i was obsessed with bloody mary and heard bells? help me?


New member
May 13, 2008
when i was a little girl, i became really obsessed with bloody mary. i was never scared of her, i wanted to meet her and see her. i would talk to her for comfort, she was kind of like a substitute for a motherly figure in my life because when i was 5, my actual mother left my family.

i would always go to the mirror and the dark and chant and hope she would come up behind me. or i would wait for her anytime i was in the bathroom.

there was a tree way out in the schoolyard that fascinated me because i thought that the tree had some sort of tie with bloody mary. i thought she would meet me there or that she was inside. i would push my ear up to the trunk and i swear i would hear her say my name. there was an x carved in the side and i would leave her little trinkets. there were also little holes in the roots where i would make mixtures out of plants and dirt and chant over them hoping to summon her.

i never really saw her.

now here's where it gets kind of weird: growing up, i would always hear small bells in my room at night. at first they scared me and i asked my father about them and he convinced me it was either his television or my imagination. they seemed to come from my closet and i started to get used to them because i heard them almost nightly. i never really thought about them, but today i heard something about how bells can often signal bloody mary's presence.

since then i have been raised strictly christian and been taught not to believe in things like that, and i never really thought about my obsession with bloody mary until a lady at work was telling me about something that reminded me of it.

i'm just really freaked out because there's no way i was so interested in her and i also heard bells and knew nothing of the connection as a child.

what do you think? can someone help me?