What would your slogan be? Liberal: handicaps and homos forever.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
Conservative: save america...? ...what's left of her.

Have you seen the neverending story when fantasia is destroyed and bastian is holding a single grain of sand and the child like emperess tells him to make a wish? the rebulicans and looking down at their hands now. "they look...like...good...strong....hands...don't they."

Righteousness will prevail, but it will have to be on principles of rebuilding at this point.
Yes. In this scenario, republicans are G'mork, and democrats are Bastian. Republicans destroyed fantasia, and democrats are trying to save it. You're welcome.
Well it is well known Jesus was a big fan of helping the needy until the 21st century and then the handicapped were to be forced to carry their weight and be ridiculed at will by the healthy.