
  1. N

    Homos and lesbos, why do you claim you didn't choose to be gay but still...

    ...come out of the closet? So you claim you didn't choose to be homosexual, because who'd choose to be ostracized, despised and killed and rights taken away. Anyway, that argument fails, because homos and lesbos CHOOSE to come out and to fight to get married, to serve openly in the military etc...
  2. Z

    If church and state are separate, how can homos have the right to marry when...

    ...marriage is religious ceremony? church and state are separate, are they not liberals ?
  3. J

    What would your slogan be? Liberal: handicaps and homos forever.

    Conservative: save america...? ...what's left of her. Have you seen the neverending story when fantasia is destroyed and bastian is holding a single grain of sand and the child like emperess tells him to make a wish? the rebulicans and looking down at their hands now. "they...
  4. Z

    Do you think there any homos besides homo sapiens left?

    I know this might sound a little irrational but do you think the possibility of finding some in the rain forest or islands could actually happen? Actually think about this logically for a moment. It would be a quite remarkable anthropological finding.
  5. S

    Is narcissim a homosexual trait, why do homos think they are way hotter than

    they actually are? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-YCdcnf_P8&feature=g-all-u ^ These guys think they could steal a straight guys girlfriend, really? REALLY?
  6. M

    Creationists. Who are the Homos?

    Creationists. Who are the fossils of very old Homo species remains, and other H. sapiens? Are these descendants from adam and eve? Were they here before adam and eve? Did adam and even evolve from them? Did adam and eve give birth to them? Why are they now extinct? Why did god just kill them...
  7. A

    Where can I download ( Leo Bersani, Homos, Prologue: "we" ) pdf?

    Leo Bersami Homos Prologue: "we" pdf or text doc download please
  8. M

    why westerns are so concerned about homos like there is nothing more important

    issues in the world? westerns all the time talking about ga* rights and there issues like we do not have much far important issues and talk how they can legalize homos marriages i just do not understand why it is freak-en big deal
  9. C

    I dont want to join the military because it is full of homos and lames?

    Hi, i come from a military family and most of them are older vets(gramps is ww2, uncle is vietnam and 2nd cousin is vietnam, have another non war time marine veteran from the 80s and 90s, but served in kosovo), they told me i should go for education, the military now-a-days is full of homos...
  10. T

    Homos, when you people sit in a circle, holding hands, chanting the Homosexual

    Agenda, do you really think God? do you really think God is pleased???
  11. T

    Homos, when you people sit in a circle, holding hands, chanting the Homosexual

    Agenda, do you really think God? do you really think God is pleased???
  12. T

    Homos, when you people sit in a circle, holding hands, chanting the Homosexual

    Agenda, do you really think God? do you really think God is pleased???
  13. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  14. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  15. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  16. B

    Since Atheist are rational and evolutionary Sapiens, did Homos first appear

    in East Africa along with Apes? Some of us know that, Carbon 40 Dating has established the Olduvai Gorge location in East Africa as the birthplace of the first Homo Sapiens that evolved from an encounter with Space Aliens and Native Apes. This, multi cultural collision of Gorillas and Space...
  17. M

    Does anyone else think homos should shouldt be allowed to show "affection"...

    Does anyone else think homos should shouldt be allowed to show "affection"... ...for eachother in public? I hate going to the mall and seeing gays makin out. It's also bad for children, too.
  18. T

    Atheists, why are you all Homos?

    Homo sapiens that is, just like every other person. Shouldn't scientists have named humans better as to not scare away religious homophobes? I will be very sad if this gets removed for abuse, because it'd tell me people flag questions without clicking on them first.
  19. D

    You homos is loco probably drinkin' cuervos with some vatos?

    Watching Zorro with the door closed
  20. J

    Why don't you people man up, quit watching that fake garbage for HOMOS and

    watch "REAL" sports? Seriously you find grown men groping and pretending each other in their underwear entertaining ? I don't know how anyone would find that entertaining unless your gay. Watch a REAL sport that actually takes talent to play like basketball or baseball @demon - Your insults are...