what would i do to increase sense of humor my husband?


New member
May 24, 2011
Keeping Your Sense of Humor is Good Advice For a Great Marriage.
but my husband is kind of serious type. he is 7 years older than me. he takes, explains everything seriously. he talk with me like a teacher as if i m his child. he does not flirts with me. day by day he is becoming irritating. he always remain bz. has very little time to spent with me. when ever he watch TV he always looks for action movie or boring talk show. he talks with me over phone when he is not with me. over phone he talks some same sentenses like- how r u? did u hv ur dinner? i love u, lot's of kiss sounds, how r your sis, bro and parents?..etc
How to increase sense of humor of my husband..
how can i express as if i want some flirts from him.
how can i express so that my husband increases activities full of sense of humor which can make me laugh and fall in love with him?
his friend are also boring.always talk abt jobs..i feel lonely when his friend, relatives are with him. they non-stop talk with each other but i can't.
before marrige he was not like that. he flirted with me, told jokes. but he has changed a lot now.
You can't its not his nature.. you should have noticed that before you married him, did it happen fast?